10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

When Vesuvius volcano erupts, its ambient temperature reaches 500 degrees Celsius, and the power of Krakatoa volcano is equivalent to 13,000 atomic bombs.


Sinabung volcano has erupted in Indonesia in the Pacific fire belt, where the presence of many of the world's most frightening paint fire. Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous volcanoes in human history, according to Time's assessment.

The most feared volcanoes in the world

Vesuvius Volcano

Vesuvius is the name of a floor volcano located in the Bay of Naples in southern Italy. It has erupted more than 30 times since its existence is known. The most terrible eruption occurred in 79. The ash and lava sprayed out of the ridge for many days. The amount of ash that Vesuvius sprayed was large enough to completely cover the cities of Pompeii and Stabiae.

The ambient temperature is up to 500 degrees Celsius. The pressure of the terrible heat causes the body's internal organs to cease to function for an extremely brief moment, not a single moment. Many people around the volcano died without the reflexes of self-defense or pain. That's the conclusion of Italian archaeologists, after studying 80 skeletons buried in ash in boat graves around the foot of Vesuvius.

A living person recounted that a loud explosion suddenly rang, after which the ash fell into the city while the people tried to run. No one knows exactly the total number of deaths in the 79 disaster, but archaeologists think that number must be over 1,000. The eruption also changed the flow of the Sarno River and raised the bottom of the coast.

Picture 1 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Krakatoa volcano

Krakatoa is a volcanic island between Java and Sumatra island of Indonesia. In 1883, a volcano on Krakatoa island woke up with a power of 13,000 times an atomic bomb. The eruption of smoke and lava flew several thousand kilometers away, that is, to the islands located on the east coast of Africa.

A few hundred people in a nearby Sumatra island town died almost immediately when the burning red ash burned their homes. Krakatoa's volcanic activity causes super tsunamis and they sweep the people to the sea. About 36,000 people were killed by the disaster, while Krakatoa Island sank to the ocean floor.

However, in 1927 the explorers saw a new island sprouting at the location of Krakatoa Island. It is called Anak Krakatoa (Krakatoa's son). Today Anak Krakatoa is still spraying lava into the air.

Picture 2 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

St. Volcano Helen

The St. Helen volcano in America slept for more than 120 years before erupting in 1980. The preparation time for this eruption was up to two months. At 8:32 am May 18, 1980, an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 on the Richter scale caused an explosion on the flank of St. Volcano. Helen. The explosion caused the northern face of the mountain to collapse. Hot ash and lava spurt up at least 480 km / h and spread about 24 km. At the same time a mushroom-shaped smoke column of nearly 26 km in height flew into the air, covering three nearby states.

Spokane, a city about 400 km northeast of the volcano, is engulfed in darkness. When rain falls, people in Washington, Idaho and Montana state see drops of black and fine dust. 57 people and several thousand animals died of dust, and the total area of ​​destroyed forests was about 320 km2. In 1982, the US Congress and President Ronald Reagan decided to establish the St. National Volcanic Monument. Helen around this volcano.

Picture 3 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Tambora volcano

8 is the maximum in the volcanic eruption index. In 1815 Tambora volcano operated with an eruption index of 7. The eruption occurred on Sumbawa Island in the Indonesian territory today and caused an entire area to sink into darkness. It is the most powerful volcanic eruption in modern history. Hot lava rivers escaped about 4,000 m high, killing instantly about 10,000 people. Volcanic eruptions of an amount of ash, dust, lava and gas have a total volume of about 50 billion cubic meters. Huge amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2) also fly into the atmosphere. Tens of thousands of people died by lava, ash, tsunami, sickness and hunger.

Tambora disaster also has a big impact on the world climate. The dust cloud from Tambora volcano causes global temperatures to drop from 0.4 to 0.7 degrees Celsius. A year later, many areas in Europe and North America had no summer. Frost caused failures in Canada and the New England region. Europe is also miserable because of the decline in temperature. Tambora volcano itself shrinks a few thousand meters, and its peak turns into a big hole.

Picture 4 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Mauna Loa volcano

The American state of Hawaii is made up of volcanic islands and it is also home to Mauna Loa, the world's largest volcano. Mauna Loa (meaning Long Mountain) in the native language of Hawaii) is located on Big Island, Hawaii state. In addition to the title of ' the world's largest volcano ', it also has a peak near 4,175 m.

Mauna Loa is also the most active volcano in the world. From 1843 until now it erupted 33 times, of which the last time occurred in 1984. With a length of 60 km and a width of 48 km, Mauna Loa occupies about half of the area of ​​Big Island. Its mass is about 85% of all islands in Hawaii.

Picture 5 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Pelée volcano

Located on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean Sea and has an elevation of 1,463 m, Pelée erupted violently in May 1902, killing nearly 30,000 people in the port city of St. Pierre on the island. The disaster was so terrible that the word ' pelean ' - used to describe the type of dust, gas and dust of the Pelée volcano - became a specialized term for volcanoes.

Before Pelée erupted, many people saw steam, dust and lightning on its mouth, but the previous signs were ignored. After most cities St. Pierre is destroyed, Pelée sleeps for several months. But soon geologists discovered an underground lava lake rising 300 meters high from the crater's bottom. Dung came out of his mouth in March 1903.

Picture 6 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Eyjafjallajokull volcano

A huge cloud of dust rose from Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland in April and flew across the continent of Europe, causing numerous closed airports and several hundred thousand passengers stranded for days. Eyjafjallajokull is cursed throughout the planet, but very few people pronounce it exactly. Despite possessing many advanced technologies, people are still helpless in the face of volcanic ash.

Eyjafjallajokull this year erupted for the first time on March 20. However, the eruption began on April 14, causing the paralysis of European airlines, causing airlines to lose more than a billion dollars.

Picture 7 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Thera Volcano

About 3,500 years ago, a disaster shook the Mediterranean. The volcano on Thera Island (later known as Greek Santorini Island) erupts 4-5 times more powerful than Krakatoa's 1883 volcanic eruption, creating a large pit on Aegean Island and the Huge waves on the ocean.

Archaeologists believe that the Minoan civilization on the island of Thera may have been destroyed after the giant masses of ashes surrounded the cities and tsunamis engulfed their fleets. The volcanic eruption of Thera volcano was recreated in many legends of the Mediterranean region. For example, the ancient Egyptians told each other a giant volcanic cloud that darkened the western sky and destroyed many cities and temples. Many scholars in the past also believe that the Thera volcano disaster is God's punishment for humanity.

Picture 8 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Nevado del Ruiz volcano

Nevado del Ruiz volcanic eruption in Colombia on November 13, 1985 is relatively small, because the amount of ash that it spits is only 3% of that of St. Volcano. Helens in 1980. However, the mud streams created by Nevado del Ruiz volcano made its eruption the most deadly volcanic disaster in the 20th century. It is also a volcanic eruption. Fourth people in human history.

After the explosion, flash floods washed away 1,500 people on one side of the mountain. Gray mud from the crater plunges into the nearby city of Armero at a speed of 40 km / h and covers the entire city. The physical damage is about 1 billion USD - equivalent to 20% of Colombia's gross national product at the time.

Picture 9 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world

Pinatubo volcano

When the volcano Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, the amount of sulfuric ash it released into the stratosphere caused global temperatures to drop 0.55 degrees Celsius over the next two years. Earlier Pinatubo slept for six centuries.

In 1990, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake occurred about 100 km northeast of the volcano, causing landslides and rising steam from the volcano. That seismic advantage for Pinatubo exploded in 1991, killing about 7,000 people. Because many scientists predict the time of volcanic activity, about 5,000 lives are saved.

However, the eruption created one of the most memorable environmental scenes that people ever witnessed. With columns of ashes as high as 35 km in the air, the eruption of Pinatubo in 1991 was the second largest volcanic eruption in the 20th century.

Picture 10 of 10 most frightening volcanoes in the world