14 most bizarre diseases in the world

According to the statistics of the medical world, there are 14 odd, strangest diseases on the planet. These diseases are extremely difficult to cure, making life of those who are unfortunate to suffer extremely difficult and negative.

Strange diseases in the world

1. Swollen penis disease

Only 1% of men globally suffer from Peyronie disease (a penile disorder), a form of tissue disorder that produces fibrous lumps in the penis that make the penis hard and hard to have sex.

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The cause of this strange disease has yet to be found, but any attempt to make the penis erect can lead to unpredictable consequences; can be a terrible pain, even making the situation much worse. Most cases of pain are caused by trying to bend the penis during intercourse, especially when the ' partner ' peaks.

About 30% of men with Peyronie have manifestations of fibrosis in other body parts such as hands or feet. Peyronie is like a hard tumor that forms in the upper or lower part of the penis, making the penis always in an erection or an erection.

Initially, the patient only felt like a stimulus in the penis, more and more they felt more painful. At this stage, most men who are infected can still have normal sex, but the later the penis becomes more distorted and the patient cannot control the erection.

2. Green skin disease

Blue skin disease was discovered in a large family living in the hills of Troublesome Creek, Kentucky from the 60s of the last century. These people are often referred to as Fugate.

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They often enjoy life more than 80 years and during the process of life, they do not suffer from any incurable disease other than . blue skin - a hereditary disease from one life to another. Their skin changes gradually from green to ripe plum, indigo and even purple.

3. Pica disease

Derived from Latin "magpie" , Pica is an addiction to eating things that are not food . People with this disease will eat everything. Non-food items such as dirt, paper, coal, chalk, soil, clay, paste they can be eaten. But besides, normal foods like flour, raw potatoes, starch are also accompanied foods.

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Pica disease especially affects pregnant women and young children, especially children with disabilities . The most convincing explanation is due to the lack of minerals, but health experts do not claim to be the main cause, and there is currently no effective treatment.

Pica disease is very dangerous when the patients eat the wrong things containing toxic gas, animal manure with parasites will lead to stomach bleeding and very high mortality rates.

4. Eating disease . stool

This is one of the eating disorders, people with this disease prefer to eat stool than any other. Fortunately, this disease is very rare and usually occurs in a few patients with schizophrenia, dementia and depression.

Eating human or animal feces can lead to infections and other diseases such as hepatitis A, hepatitis E, pneumonia, acute flu, infection from worm eggs and bacteria. The nomadic Arabs often use camel's fresh manure as an effective remedy for dysentery, preventing bacteria from other types of waste from working.

5. Blaschko disease

Is an extremely rare disease caused by genetic mutations. On the skin of the patient, there are stripes with no connection to the nervous system, muscles or arteries. Usually these borders have a "V" shape on the back and an "S" on the neck, abdomen and other lower body parts.

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6. The danger from the vampire fish

In the Amazon River area, the most frightening thing is not piranhas eating raw meat or electric fish but a fish that is less than 17 cm long, only 4-6 mm big. The name of that fish is Vampire Catfish (aka Candirú or Canero). This fish is quite transparent so it is difficult to see underwater.

When resting, they often get under the mud, but when they go ' hunting ', they are the fastest, most energetic fish. The Vampire Catfish fish possesses a sharp tooth, which can destroy even larger fish than it does with just one bite.

The most dangerous point of this species for humans is that they are able to penetrate the human body through holes such as the vagina, rectum, urinary tract . and only surgery can remove them from the muscle. human body. Now scientists have not been able to prove how they attack humans once they get into the body, knowing only that they can still live healthy . as they live in the riverbed.

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7. The disease eats itself

The disease of eating itself also known as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is described as acts of biting and mutilating flesh on the body. 60% of Lesch-Nyhan patients are forced to uproot their entire teeth to prevent them from biting their lips, inner cheeks, tongue and some other parts of the body.

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8. Apert syndrome

This syndrome appears to be due to variability in semen. This transformation prevents the development of the mind, causing the toes and fingers to stick together and stimulating the division of the cell chain to form semen.

1 in 70,000 children has congenital Apert. The change in DNA appears on a single gene on the baby chromosome 10 and is closely related to the age of the father. This syndrome causes the baby's body to stunt and lead to a lack of cartilage development, whereby soft organs or organs are developing normally but the bones are not growing.

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9. Total body identification disorder (BIID)

People with BIID want to remove part of their body because they feel that parts such as arms or legs are leftovers. BBID is like a gender identity disorder and can also be a mental disorder.

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Most patients have a severed body part. They even "operated on " themselves to "get out".

People with BIID suffer from a lack of body image in the brain, so some parts of the body are not recognized by the brain, making them ' crave' to remove those parts.

10. Lower extremity lipodystrophy

The disease is also known as Benjamin Umbilical syndrome. People with this disease look much older than their age.

People with lower extremity lipodystrophy lose fat tissue beneath the skin. It can cause fat loss on the face, pulling the neck causing bad wrinkles and wrinkles on the skin.

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11. Infection of maggot maggots

This is considered the worst disease of all bizarre diseases. Patients with this disease have nesting maggots on their bodies, in any position they want such as mouth, hands, feet, face .

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12. Fossil bone cancer

This disease has the scientific name of progressive fibrodysplasia ossificans (FOP). People with this disease will have bone tissue that grows gradually in places like muscles, tendons and other connective tissue that can spread.

People with FOP cannot move and eventually they seem to turn into living statues.

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13. Patella nail syndrome (nail-patella syndrome)

This disease, also known as hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia , is an inherited disease involving mutations in the transcription factor LMX1B gene, mapping on the long arm of chromosome 9 (9q34).

Manifestations include dysplastic nails, absent kneecaps or reduced production, the presence of conical horns of the posterior pot, and an abnormality of the radial head. Patients are also at risk for kidney disease and glaucoma.

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14. Cold allergy syndrome urticaria

People with this disease when exposed to cold air or cold water will experience extremely serious body reactions.

The skin contact with the cold will cause urticaria, become red and itchy, extremely uncomfortable. Many people also have bronchospasm, making it impossible to breathe, leading to death.

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