2015 may be the record hot year

Scientists think 2015 could become the hottest year ever recorded and surpassed the "title" of 2014.

2015 - A record hot year in history

According to data from the top three global temperature monitoring agencies, by the end of March, 2015 is now the hottest year in more than a century . Although more than a quarter of 2015 passed, the scientific community said that with the ongoing El Nino phenomenon from 2014, the temperature in the rest of this year will continue to record highs or near record levels. .

Picture 1 of 2015 may be the record hot year
The level of increase / decrease of heat in each part of the world, compared with the average of the period 1981-2010.(Graphic: NOAA)

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released data showing that March 2015 was the hottest March in the 136-year record . The Japan Meteorological Agency and the US Space and Aeronautics Agency (NASA) also shared a view that the trend of temperature rise day and 2015 will be the hottest year ever recorded.

NOAA forecasts that the possibility of El Nino lasting this summer is 70%, while the risk of falling to fall is 60%. Some experts argue that the warming of the Pacific water surface is a sign that deep water in the deep water has been increasing for decades and puts an end to the period considered to be a halt. trend of increasing global surface temperature.