43% of employees

Recent research by Hewlett Packard shows that nearly half of employees in the UK communicate online 4 hours a day at the office. Up to 83% of online chatting is the cause of information leakage and loss, not computer errors

" You are concentrating on working when you hear a familiar 'ping'. There is only one hour left to submit the report, but you still have to look at the screen and see who has just sent the message, " said Chris Sopp, Managing Director. data management of Hewlett Packard, said. " Then the chat windows appear. 15 minutes passed . maybe your weekend outing plan has been completed but the report is still not in place ."

Picture 1 of 43% of employees E-mail and messaging are consuming people's work hours and causing businesses worldwide to have a billion-dollar deficit due to declining productivity or silly errors caused by distractions. employees.

Chris Sopp calls this phenomenon "business's Asin heel" while e-mail, IM and SMS are time thieves in modern life.

According to Sopp, in the past, work ended when people left offices, factories and shops. And now the work follows people back home, into the kitchen, dining room and bedroom.