5 effective ways to treat ear infections

Ear infections are a common cause of earache. This condition usually occurs in children, especially babies.

One study showed that about 70% of children suffer from ear health problems. If your baby is having this problem, try the following ways to relieve pain and make him feel better.

Warm bandages

If your child has an ear infection, immediately use a soft towel and soak in warm water. Then squeeze, apply to the ears of children. Warm towels will help ease the pain.

Picture 1 of 5 effective ways to treat ear infections
A high pillow will reduce the pressure in the ear, helping children to reduce pain.(Photo: examiner)

Increase the amount of liquid

When your baby has an ear infection, make sure he gets plenty of water. Regular drinking and swallowing will make the atrial tap open and allow fluid to flow from the ear. This will help relieve pain.


Ear drops are also very effective at relieving ear pain. In addition, you can also use small olive oil in an infected ear with the help of a clean pipette.

Use a high pillow

When your baby lies down, make sure the pillow he uses is quite high. This reduces the pressure in the ear and helps the baby feel more comfortable.

Consult your doctor

Finally, don't forget to consult your doctor. Because doctors will provide additional treatment for the baby's ear infection correctly.