Health benefits of radish

One of the main benefits of radish juice is its ability to treat urinary tract infections and prevent kidney infections.

Do you know white radish is very nutritious? Only one type of white radish also contains enough substances to solve many health problems of people. Therefore, when we use radish in our daily meals in one form or another, our health will change in the best direction.

Health benefits of radish juice

One of the main health benefits of radish juice is its ability to treat urinary tract infections and prevent kidney infections. Radish juice helps remove kidney stones and prevent future stone formation.

Rich in vitamins A, C, zinc, phosphorus and high water content, radish juice provides an excellent source of nutrition for your cells, thus keeping your body hydrated.

Picture 1 of Health benefits of radish
Radish juice effectively handles skin problems such as acne, rashes .

Known for its detoxifying properties, radish juice effectively handles skin problems such as acne, rash and eczema. Since then, it helps to keep skin healthier, fresher and keep moisture. Using radish juice can bring miraculous results that promote new hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Preventing jaundice

Radish is considered an important assistant in the fight against jaundice. It has miraculous benefits because it can control the production of bilirubin and also helps purify it. Radish also helps control red blood cell destruction by increasing the amount of oxygen supplied to the blood. In addition, radishes and leafy vegetables are also useful in treating this disease.

Help lose weight

One of the important health benefits of beets is to help you lose weight. Radish is low in calories, high in fiber and water. That's why eating radish easily satisfies your hunger. If you are struggling to lose weight, just add radish to your daily diet and you can see for yourself.

Reduces cancer risk

The biggest health benefit of turnip is to prevent cancer. Radish contains a lot of phytochemicals - a substance that has anti-cancer properties. In addition, this tuber provides abundant vitamin C, keeping the body and cells healthy.

Control high blood pressure

Consuming radish can help you defeat high blood pressure. Potassium contained in radish helps counteract the bad effects of sodium in your diet, thereby keeping blood pressure stable.

Reduce anemia

Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia. Iron-rich beets, help the body absorb iron better.

Picture 2 of Health benefits of radish
The calcium content of each gram of radish is higher than any fruit or vegetable.


The calcium content of each gram of radish is higher than any fruit or vegetable. In turnip has 104mg of calcium, one mg of iron, 17 mg of magnesium, 23 mg of phosphorus, 163 mg of potassium, and 0.1 mg of zinc. A 55g glass of green radish contains 22 mg of sodium, so don't add salt when cooking or eating this vegetable.


Radish is high in fiber, beneficial for people with diabetes. Green radish also contains an antioxidant that is alpha-lipoic acid, which can reduce blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity in diabetics.


Also due to its high fiber and water content, eating radish will prevent constipation and a healthy digestive system.


According to Harvard Public School Harvard Medical Publications, women of childbearing age absorb a lot of iron from plants such as radish, spinach, beans, pumpkins and green beans, enhance fertility. The amount of folic acid found in beets is also needed during pregnancy, protecting the fetus from preventing neurological disabilities.

Sleep and spirit

Green radish contains choline that helps maintain the structure of cell membranes, reducing chronic inflammation. Folate cures depression, prevents excess homocysteine ​​from forming in the body. Homocysteine ​​has an effect on the body's production of hormones that regulate mood, sleep and appetite.

It is recommended to eat fresh, dark green radish leaves, small soft leaves and mild flavors. Process by mixing in salads or sandwiches, braised, stir-fried, boiled, or added soups and casseroles.