Excellent prevention and treatment of radish from radish

Radish is considered to be the top food that brings nutritional and health benefits not to be missed on your menu.

According to Indian macrobiotic theory, radish is one of the top 'golden foods' to heal and heal health. Science has proven that this is the most nutritious fruit and vegetable in vegetables that are often used in daily meals. The following reasons will make you immediately supplement this food to protect your health and family:

Picture 1 of Excellent prevention and treatment of radish from radish
Radishes containing phytochemicals and anthocyanins have anti-cancer properties.

1. Reduce the risk of cancer

Radishes containing phytochemicals and anthocyanins have anti-cancer properties. In addition, it is a vitamin C-rich tuber that acts as a powerful antioxidant to prevent free radical damage - DNA inside cells, thus helping to prevent cancer. A study by Nutritionoffers said, there is evidence that radish root extract can kill cancer cells by activating the self-destruct mechanism of this malignant cell, which is due to the presence of isothiocyanates - the substance is believed to be free of any beets rich in beets.

2. Adjust blood pressure

This is a rich source of potassium that helps maintain the sodium-potassium balance in the body, to keep blood pressure stable. A study of nutrition and practice shows that radish leaves have a 'blood pressure' effect in people with significant hypertension.

Picture 2 of Excellent prevention and treatment of radish from radish
Radish dishes help reduce blood pressure.

3. Good for diabetics

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that plays a role in glucose absorption. Diabetics cannot absorb the body's insulin to produce or cannot produce insulin, radishes can be a solution. In people with diabetes usually do not eat lots of sugary or starchy foods. Radish is very rich in fiber, and has a low glycemic index, diabetics can use beets because it does not increase blood sugar.

4. Prevent colds and coughs

If you have a cough and a cold, radishes can be a good idea to supplement your diet to prevent these diseases. This is one of the vegetables that can fight congestion, forming mucus in your throat. In addition, radish also enhances immunity, keeps the body from infections leading to colds and coughs.

5. Prevent jaundice

Radish is known as a food that purifies the body, eliminating toxins. One of the parts that receives the most benefits from removing harmful toxins is your liver and stomach because radishes not only contain plenty of water, fiber can clean the intestines, rich in vitamin C. Also Radish is effective in controlling jaundice, it helps regulate the amount of bilirubin in the blood and increases the supply of oxygen to the body. This is because radish helps control the destruction of red blood cells that make bilirubin in the blood rise - the main cause of jaundice.

6. Anti-constipation

Constipation is a common disease especially in the elderly, children, people who are sedentary, exercise, or have a high-fat, low-fiber diet. Radish is said to be a "god" to cure this discomfort. It has a high fiber content, helps clean the food, scum trapped in the large intestine, expelled out . In addition, radish helps enhance secretion of digestive juices and bile make the digestive system Your most effective operation. In addition to radish, the most necessary constipation is to change the lifestyle, exercise and not forget to drink water.

Picture 3 of Excellent prevention and treatment of radish from radish
Radish is said to be a "medicinal god" to cure constipation.

Radish is very low in calories plus a high fiber content, making people feel full. For example, 100g of fresh radish contains only 16 calories so you can comfortably enjoy radishes that are both healthy and lose weight.

8. Good for asthma patients

Radishes with anti-hyperemia properties are therefore very beneficial for asthma patients. Asthma sufferers often get respiratory symptoms, and radishes will improve these signs. Scientific studies have also shown that radish is resistant to respiratory allergens, helping to protect the respiratory lining from infection.

9. Maintain youthfulness

Because radish contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants, it is possible to eat radish to prevent free radical damage. You can even crush freshly sprouted radish on the skin as it has a cleaning property.

10. Keep your kidneys healthy

The most outstanding characteristic of radish is the prevention of kidney-related diseases such as urinary tract inflammation, kidney protection. Natural diuretic compounds of radishes work very well to improve the health of the kidneys. They act as a natural cleanser to remove toxins from the body.

11. Cure cough, sore throat

Radishes, which are useful in treating coughs, are good for the lungs, especially in the winter, some people often have dry sputum, causing discomfort to the lungs. Eat a little radish will work well.

In radish contains a certain amount of spicy substances. In addition, radish also has a support function for people with nasal obstruction, sore throat due to cold in winter, can use radish to solve these headache problems.

12. Prevent anemia

Sugar beets contain natural vitamin B12 and help promote iron absorption, participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin, so high levels of oxygen hemoglobin help to strengthen, prevent anemia.

13. Support digestion

Like white radish, fiber-rich beets should be a natural cleanser for the digestive system, help break down and remove food that accumulates in the body in the long term, leading to harmful toxic waste. health.

Picture 4 of Excellent prevention and treatment of radish from radish
Consuming sugar beets regularly can help prevent viral infection.

14. Prevent virus infection

Because of the high content of vitamin C in beets, it has a natural cleansing effect, increasing resistance. Consuming sugar beets regularly can help prevent viral infection.

15. Acne treatment

In turnip leaves are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, especially vitamin C content more than other vegetables. Vitamin C can prevent aging skin, prevent the formation of dark spots, keep skin white and soft.

In addition to vitamins, fiber content in radish is quite a lot, especially plant fiber in leaves is very rich. These plant fibers can promote stomach motility, eliminate constipation, have the effect of eliminating toxins, thereby improving rough skin, acne.

16. Help face pinkish white

Applying a mask with radish material is also one of the ways to approach the dream of owning beautiful skin. The radish mask, fish lettuce will help the skin look pinkish, radiant and especially dry in the winter days.

The way to do it is to simply grind or use fish lettuce juice and radish juice mixed together, covering the face within 15 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Every week from 2 to 3 times will bring unexpected skin desirable. If there is sunburn, beets and honey juice will be a great way to soothe tan spots on your skin.

A pot of wash water daily with radish juice is also a way to bring a healthy skin and a pleasant, gentle feeling not only for the skin but also for the mind.