Giant radish in China

A farmer in China harvested two white beets with a total volume of nearly 12 kg yesterday.

Picture 1 of Giant radish in China
The farmer measured the length of a radish. ( Photo: Xinhua )

Xinhua said farmers in Zhejiang province found two giant white radishes in the garden on June 1. One bulb has a mass of 6.2 kg and the other weighs 5.75 kg.

White cabbage is the name of a mustard family in East Asia. Although they are known as Japanese wealth in the world, they are in fact originated in the Asian continent, not just Japan. The most popular white mustard in Japan - called aokubi - has carrot roots and reaches a length of 20 to 35 cm, diameter 5-10 cm. Their bulbs can be stored for several weeks in a cool and dry environment.

Picture 2 of Giant radish in China
Two radishes have a total mass of approximately 12 kg. ( Photo: Xinhua )

For centuries, Asian people have used white radish to treat respiratory diseases (cough, asthma, loss of voice, chest tightness), digestive system (such as heartburn, constipation, bloating), Urinary apparatus (such as puncture, cloudy). In addition, white mustard also detoxifies due to coal, alcohol, borax, coffee and ginseng.