Unearth burnt house ruins, discover 400-year-old baked radish

These radishes are believed to be the ingredients for dinner of Russian soldiers while on their journey to conquer Siberia.

Archaeologists have recently discovered a pot of radish-containing earth pots that are still quite intact in the ruins of a house burned by fire at Tara (Russia).

The soil pot was dated to about 400 years old. The number of beets in the pot is said to be the raw material for dinner of soldiers when they are on the journey to conquer Siberia.

Picture 1 of Unearth burnt house ruins, discover 400-year-old baked radish
Ruins of a burning house at Tara.

Professor Maria Chernaya - one of the participants in the excavation said: "This clay pot is very close to the kitchen. It is used to store food, not for cooking. But when the fire breaks out. spread from the kitchen and spread out, this pot of earth was also heated, and the radish in the pot was simultaneously baked. "

Picture 2 of Unearth burnt house ruins, discover 400-year-old baked radish
The location of the radish pot contains red.

"When we tried to put the number of vegetables in the pot out, they changed their shape. However, through analysis, we confirmed that this is radish."

Picture 3 of Unearth burnt house ruins, discover 400-year-old baked radish
The number of radish baked nine years ago is still quite intact.

Also in this excavation area, archaeologists also found a high quality sock, shoes and high quality glass products."Through what we have found, we realize that the owner of the burnt house is rich and possesses many expensive imported items , " said Professor Chernaya.

Tara is one of the oldest towns in Siberia, founded in 1594 as a garrison town.