5 food should never be put into the microwave

Microwave is preferred because it saves defrosting or heating time. However there are 5 types of food you should never use this device:

1. Breast milk

One benefit from giving babies breast milk is the ability to provide effective antimicrobials. The Journal of Pediatrics (USA) tested 22 samples of frozen breastmilk in the microwave in different heat regimes and it was discovered that breastmilk reheated at high temperatures in a growing microwave oven. more E-coli bacteria than other defrosting methods by 18%.

Breast-thawed breastmilk samples at lower temperatures have a very strong co-function ezyme activity and increase the growth of harmful bacteria for babies.

2. Cauliflower

Picture 1 of 5 food should never be put into the microwave

Cauliflower is the fastest vegetable in the vegetables when microwaveed. No matter how you prepare it, some of the nutrients in vegetables will be lost. Boiling is the safest way of cooking, however, it still loses about 11% of antioxidants in cauliflower.

Cooking in a microwave, adding a bit of water, can take up to 97% of its beneficial antioxidants.

3. Frozen fruit

Picture 2 of 5 food should never be put into the microwave

Fruits and vegetables start losing nutrients right from the start of harvest. Frozen storage helps fruits retain a higher level of nutrients, making fruits and vegetables from far away have even higher nutritional content than harvested, transported and sold after 7 days.

Studies from the late 1970s indicated that defrosting of fruits turned glucose and galactaxite into caxinogen toxin. It is best to ensure that at least the amount of nutrients in ice cubes is kept free, let them defrost in the refrigerator or leave it at room temperature.

4. Defrost the meat

Depending on the type of microwave oven with or without rotation, the meat may be thawed or cooked unevenly. Meat is the most difficult to defrost because of the thawing time that causes the outside and the edges of the meat to ripen while the inside is still frozen.

When the temperature reaches between 4.5 and 60 degrees, the bacteria in the meat begin to grow and multiply. If not cooked immediately, the meat will quickly become rancid.

According to Japanese research, the piece of meat cooked in the microwave for more than 6 minutes will take up to half the amount of B12. The way to thaw more effectively is to put the meat in the refrigerator overnight or leave it under cold running water.

5. Food wrapped in plastic wrap or plastic box

Never put food wrapped in plastic wrap or plastic box in the microwave because it will create toxic caxinogen.

Heating the wrap or plastic box will release toxins directly into the food, specifically including: BPA, polyethylene terpthalate (PET), benzene, toluene, xylene. Similarly, absolutely do not heat your baby's plastic bottle into the microwave.

In order to minimize the above harm, it is best to treat food in the traditional way and avoid using microwave oven.