5 things to prepare when storms come

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), when there are storms and floods, people need to strengthen their homes or find a safe haven. At the same time prepare essential items to protect your health and safety as well as your family enough to use until floods and storms pass.

In fact, a swept storm can cut off the clean water and energy supplied to the area you live in. People living in flood-prone areas often unable to move away from roads may be flooded or blocked very dangerous. So when you get the weather forecast information, you need to prepare an emergency water supply, food, medicine, safety items and personal items immediately.

Picture 1 of 5 things to prepare when storms come
A swept storm can cut off the clean water and energy supplied to the area you live in.(Photo: News).

Prepare emergency water

Be sure to have at least 20 liters of water per person (enough to last 3 to 5 days). Make sure water is filled with containers or tanks. In the absence of a reservoir, it is necessary to collect additional small clean water containers and items. It is especially important to ensure adequate drinking water to survive.

Prepare reserve food

Ensure a 3 to 5 day food supply is not damaged, such as canned food, can be used immediately or processed quickly. If your family has young children, make sure you have enough baby food or formula if needed.

Prepare emergency medicine

In addition to the usual medicines such as fever, cold, allergy . you need to prepare some medical supplies such as first aid kit, bandages, personal tape, antiseptic solution. Especially doctors' prescription drugs if there are people with cardiovascular disease, asthma .

Collect safety items

  1. Media transceiver: Battery-powered radio, phone and lap top are fully charged.
  2. Lighting facilities: Flashlight and extra batteries, candles, oil lamps.
  3. Warm keeping facilities: Warm clothes, blankets, sleeping bags
  4. Means of fire fighting and repair: Fire extinguishers, knives, scissors, hammers, pliers, saws, screwdrivers.

Collect personal care products

  1. Antiseptic hand sanitizer, wet wiping cloth (such as baby wipes) in case there is no clean water.
  2. Personal hygiene items: Soap, toothpaste, sanitary pads, pads, diapers .
  3. Anti-wet items: boots, raincoats .

In addition, should remember the location and emergency contact phone numbers such as emergency (in Vietnam is 115), police (113), fire (114) . If you keep the means of transportation Don't forget to fill up your gas tank and store some cash in your room when the banking and ATM system is not working.