6 habitable planets discovered at the same time
The CARMENES planet-hunting project has shocked scientists by finding that 1 in 10 newly discovered planets have signs of liquid water.
The CARMENES planet-hunting project has shocked scientists by finding that 1 in 10 newly discovered planets have signs of liquid water.
Many different types of planets have been discovered in the new mission - (Illustration from NASA).
According to Sky & Telescope, the CARMENES project is based on an instrument of the same name mounted on the Calar Alto Observatory telescope in Spain. It consists of two spectrographs: one that collects light in the visible range and one that operates in the infrared.
The report, recently published in the scientific journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, outlines CARMENES's achievements from 2016 to present, including "huge" data on the discovery of 33 completely new planets, as well as the identification of 26 other planets from previously suspected signs of planets.
More surprisingly, among these, there are 6 planets described as "potentially habitable" , meaning rocky planets like Earth, with the necessary elements for water to be stored in liquid form like rivers, lakes, oceans. on our planet.
Another exciting thing is that all of the planets CARMENES identified are within 60 light-years of Earth, a distance that scientists can study better with more advanced instruments.
According to scientist Ignasi Ribas from the Institute of Space Sciences and the Institute of Space Research of Catalonia (Spain), a member of the CARMENE project, with stars expected to carry planets, they identified an average of 1.4 planets around each star, an exceptionally high ratio.
Among the planets found, there are a total of 6 Jupiter-like planets with a mass 50 times or more than Earth, 10 Neptune-like planets with a mass 10-50 times Earth, and 43 super-Earths with a mass up to 10 times Earth.
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