8 unknown consequences of climate change

You know the consequences of global warming? Climate change, ice melting, sea level rise . But you may not have thought about the intense wildfires, but the ice sheets up to several tens of kilometers disappear, the huge migrations of wild animals, diseases new disabilities appear .

Things you have not thought about are not few.

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Ice will disappear and Antarctica will be full of flowers. (Photo: Internet).

Severe allergies

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Do you sometimes sneeze in constant contact, your eyes itch often in the spring and next year heavier than the previous year? It is the warming of the Earth that is partly responsible. For decades, more and more people have seasonal allergies and asthma. The yearly allergen triggers increase in the atmosphere you are breathing. Studies have shown that high levels of carbon dioxide and rising temperatures have caused plants to flower earlier and emit more pollen space. When this allergen occurs early, it means that the flower season will last long and severe allergy is the consequence of human suffering.

Migrate to the mountains

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From the early 1900s, we witnessed rodents like squirrels living in tall trees (even in many cities) were getting less and less. Many species on Earth had to change their habitat. Warming is increasingly fueling the North and Antarctic species, for example white bears migrate. The ice fades, they must move deeper than the icy areas.

South pole full of flowers

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When the Antarctic melts, the flora and fauna in the low latitudes will be greatly affected by the direct contact with the sunlight. Most Antarctic trees are covered year-round under the ice. Now when the ice melts and the spring comes early, it exposes them on the ground, sprouting and flowering. Research shows that the product of photosynthesis is chlorophyl in modern soil layers with a higher content due to ancient soil, proving that in the past years Antarctic plants began to develop flour.

Like opening the drain button

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Geographers say 25 lakes in Antarctica have disappeared in the last few decades and created major changes in the near-polar region. The study of water shortage places has shown that the permafrost layer under the lake begins to melt. When this frozen layer of millions of years is melted, the lake water passes through the same waterways into the ground like it was when the water seal was removed from the bath. When 25 lakes are no longer available, the ecosystems that maintain their existence also disappear.

Big melting

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The temperature of the Earth increases, not only melting glaciers and glaciers, but also soil layers that are permanently frozen under the ground. This phenomenon causes the soil to shrink, causing the surface to become uneven, the recess into a deep hole, a rise to a mountain, possibly a freeway, a road, a house on the ground cracking. . In the high mountains, the permafrost of the permafrost leads to slippage and slipping. The new findings suggest that they also trigger potential diseases such as smallpox that can return when the ancient corpses are rotted along with the tundra.

Adapted for survival

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Because the warming of the Earth makes spring come early, birds may not be able to find a worm to feed themselves and keep healthy genes for the next generation. Because they have just entered the new year, the trees have stabbed the results while following the custom, every year they have to wait until a certain time to migrate, so they cannot find food. The species that are able to correct the biological clock in the body and start the 'march' sooner have a better chance of surviving and transferring genetic information to the next generation; That way gradually changes the way of living a whole population.

More ruined than ruined

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In the world, historical temples, palaces, and ruins are testimonies of human civilization, being subjected to the challenges of time. The global warming becomes a vandal of these irreplaceable traces directly. Floods were associated with severe weather damage that caused the Sukhothai site, once a Thai royal capital.

Intense wildfires

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On the one hand melting and storming, on the other hand, global warming is also the direct cause of intense forest fires. Over the past decades, forest fires have become more and more popular. Scientists have found an association between uncontrollable fires with an increase in the temperature of the environment and the early melting of snow in the years, making the forest drier with a longer period of time. The forest is easier to burn and burns more intensely.