8-year-old baby found a cure for cancer effectively

In most families, the dinner conversation between parents and children is often limited to studying or having sex with friends. However, a couple are scientists. He asked their 8-year-old daughter how to treat cancer and it seems she has the right answer.

Professor Michael Lisanti and his wife - Federica Sotgia - are discussing their research while having dinner, then suddenly turn to consult with their daughter Camilla Lisanti, 8 years old.

Professor Lisanti said: "Camilla heard us talk a lot about cancer and we thought it would be nice to ask about her thoughts on cancer therapy. We asked if Camilla would cure her. How to treat cancer, she replied, "Parents, I will use an antibiotic, just like when I have a sore throat."

Instead of completely rejecting the child's answer, the professor conducted an experiment on himself. He applied an antibiotic cream to a small tumor on his face and was surprised to find that the tumor had disappeared.

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Professor Lisanti is testing antibiotic use, such as doxycycline in acne medication, to treat cancer, after their 8-year-old daughter proposed it.(Artwork: Corbis)

Mr. Lisanti and his wife then conducted a test of her daughter's opinion at their laboratory at the University of Manchester (UK). They discovered that many inexpensive and popular antibiotics kill most of the most dangerous cancer cells , including breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and brain cancer.

What little Camilla does not know is, some antibiotics prevent the cells from forming mitochondria , tiny rooms that give them energy.

Her parents found that cancerous stem cells - dangerous "mother cells" , produced tumors, nourished and allowed them to spread throughout the body - especially the number of cancer cells. can be very big. However, four common antibiotics kill these stem cells in samples taken from breast tumors, prostate, lung, ovaries, pancreas, skin and brain. The important thing is, healthy cells are not harmed.

Tests with laboratory cells imply, antibiotics can be used to prevent cancer from developing as well as spreading throughout the body - the main way that makes them rob people of their lives. According to Professor Lisanti, antibiotics can thus become an inexpensive and safe treatment for cancer of evil monsters.

An antibiotic called doxycycline , which is commonly used to treat acne, is said to be particularly promising. If this drug is used for treatment, cancer patients can only cost 0.09 USD per day, while some of the latest drugs cost up to several hundred dollars a day.

Anti-cancer charity funds claim, research by Professor Lisanti shows, the answer to some of the toughest questions is right in front of our eyes. Professor Lisanti now needs funding to verify her findings on people, including women with breast cancer.