9 dishes are even more brain than pig brains

At the time of the "smart 3 years, 1 hour" exam, this is why eating for the mind is always very important for future students. People doing office or research professions are no exception.

Folk has the sentence: "Eat what you need" , pig brains are a popular dish that can be recognized as a nutritional supplement for human brain when working overloaded. However, if you only eat "pig brains" but ignore the following 9 items, it is really a big loss for the brain.

1. Peanuts (peanuts)

Picture 1 of 9 dishes are even more brain than pig brains

Peanuts are rich in lecithin and cephalin. These are essential for the nervous system, can help delay the decline of brain function, inhibit platelet aggregation, prevent brain thrombosis. Eating peanuts can improve blood circulation, enhance memory, fight aging. Therefore, it can be said, peanuts are "medicinal herbs" that help prolong life.

2. Milk

Milk is an almost perfect source of nutrients. Milk is rich in protein, calcium, and essential amino acids for the brain. Drinking milk is not only the most direct and effective way to absorb calcium, but also provides important nutrients to the brain. In addition, milk also contains vitamin B1 useful for nerve cells. If you often suffer from insomnia, drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed can help you fall asleep and sleep better.

3. Fish

Picture 2 of 9 dishes are even more brain than pig brains

Fish provide high protein and abundant calcium sources for the brain. Among the fish that live in freshwater environments containing unsaturated fatty acids, not only helps prevent arteriosclerosis, but also protects brain vessels, promotes effective brain cell activity. fruit.

4. Eggs

According to many studies, human brain functions and memory ability are closely related to the concentration of acetylcholine in the brain. Experiments have shown that egg yolk lecithin contains an extremely rich amount of enzyme, which helps to produce the amount of acetylcholine, which affects brain tissue, which is extremely good for the brain.

5. Food from millet seeds

There are many vitamins B1, B2 and protein in millet. Studies show that eating millet-based foods can prevent arteriosclerosis, anti-aging, and glutamic acid in millet also enhances memory. In addition, millet porridge helps diuretic, kidney supplement, prevent gallstones, stomach pain and diabetes. Roasted millet also helps cure diarrhea and dysentery.

6. Corn (corn)

Picture 3 of 9 dishes are even more brain than pig brains

In corn contains a lot of linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, which protect blood vessels and the brain. In particular, eating corn also helps promote the metabolism of brain cells, preventing brain function decline, making the brain healthier.

7. Needles

Needle mushroom has 16 types of amino acids, including 8 essential for human body. This fungus contains a lot of lysine and zinc, which enhances memory and mental strength, so it is called "the fungus of pleasures". In addition, because it contains a lot of potassium, it is very suitable for people with hypertension and prevention of stroke. Regularly eating acupuncture needles can prevent and treat liver disease, stomach ulcers, anti-fatigue effect, increase resistance, fight against inflammation, excrete heavy metals from the body .

8. Citrus fruit

Citrus contains a lot of vitamins A, B1, and C, which are typical alkaline foods that can eliminate large amounts of acidic foods that are harmful to the nervous system. During the exam period, eating a suitable amount of citrus helps to increase the purity of the spirit.

9. Spinach

Picture 4 of 9 dishes are even more brain than pig brains

Spinach is a good vegetable for the brain, because of its high levels of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2. It is also one of the best nutrients for the brain. In addition, in spinach there is also a large amount of chlorophyll, which also provides a beneficial effect on brain function.