A 'watch' for dieters

A team of scientists has developed a device that helps people control excessive eating, one of the causes of obesity.

The discovery was made by scientists at Clemson University in South Carolina, the Kashmir Monitor newspaper reported.

One of the study's leading scientists, Eric Muth, said: "Many surveys have shown that people tend not to give accurate estimates of the amount of food they eat, because most The present is just an estimate and guesswork. This preliminary device can act as a calorie monitor. '

Picture 1 of A 'watch' for dieters
"Bite Counter" can accurately calculate the amount of food used (Photo: CBS News).

The unique feature of Bite Counter is its fully automatic operation , which makes it easy for the user to guess if he or she has eaten more or less. Equipment can be used anywhere, such as when dining at a restaurant or in the workplace, where it is difficult to focus thinking to calculate the amount of calories absorbed.

Co-author Adam Hoover revealed how to use the device: 'Just press the button to start before eating and hit again after the meal ends. During that time, the device will automatically calculate how many times you have brought food to your mouth and eat it. '

Hoover also said that during the test run, the device calculated accurately with a probability of more than 90%, regardless of the user, food, utensils are different how.

The first models have been completed and are being applied to about 20 people each month.

The team also documented Bite Counter's performance, providing data to develop new inventions in the weight-loss industry.