A 12-year-old student makes a braille printing machine from Lego

Shubham Banerjee, a seventh grader in California, USA, shocked the world by creating a braille printer for the blind at a fifth of a braille printer. usually, common, normal.

>>> Video: Braigo Braille Printer

Banerjee, in his project for local science fairs, was looking for answers to the braille printing problem: the 12-year-old said that $ 2,000 or more of braille printers was too expensive.

Picture 1 of A 12-year-old student makes a braille printing machine from Lego

Banerjee's solution was much less expensive: he bought a set of Lego Mindstorms EV3 for only $ 350 (about $ 7.5 million) and a few dollars for Home Depot. After a while, Banerjee successfully created the braille printing machine called "Braigo".

Whenever a user selects a letter, the machine scrolls through the alphabet and uses the jigsaw pencil to print on the paper. Banerjee decided to use the stitches after testing with a drilling machine and a pencil.

The trial version of Braigo is slow, but it has been proven that Banerjee's idea is entirely feasible. Today, this 12-year-old boy is continuing his research to create a product that can print the entire page.

Picture 2 of A 12-year-old student makes a braille printing machine from Lego

Not only that, Banerjee is also trying to turn Braigo into an open source project so everyone can create their own Braigo printers and upgrade their Braille printers. This low. The 12-year-old hopes his invention can help developing nations where people can hardly afford a thousand-dollar braille printer.

Currently, Banerjee has set up a separate fanpage for Braigo to provide detailed information on this "small" but very useful project. Let's wait for the boy's exploits in the future!