A dream to help people live long

Each of us has a dream. What are people affected when dreaming?

Scientists after many times of experimenting, finally discovered that if we make a dream broken, it will cause a variety of physiological abnormalities in humans such as: Picture 1 of A dream to help people live long

The lifespan of a dreamer is much longer than that of a little dreamer
(Photo: reflectionsmusic)

Make the vessels, blood pressure, body temperature and normal skin reactions increase, leading to the weakening of the nervous system's flora. At the same time, it also leads to a series of bad psychological reactions such as: anxiety, easy to get angry, memory and orientation to be obstructed, a feeling of confusion, .

This proves that dreaming is an indispensable normal physiological process of humans. The activities in the dream are one of the important factors to ensure normal life activities of the body. Researchers from Son Ly University - Japan have discovered that in our brains there exist two types of opposing hypnosis, a kind of sleepless hypnosis, the other is hypnotic sleep . They successfully separated dream sleep hypnosis and tried it for a variety of animals, making the dream time in their sleep last longer. The results of this experiment have shown that the average life expectancy of the experimental animals increased greatly.

Therefore, scientists come to the conclusion: People who dream much are dream sleep hypnosis levels in many people's brains. Therefore, the lifespan of these people is generally longer than those of lesser dreams .