Admiration is good for mental health

Researchers say that, often experiencing overwhelming feelings and admiration can improve mental health, even helping us become better people , according to The Independent.

Findings by expert Melanie Rudd and colleagues at Stanford University (USA) have opened up the prospect of using 'admiration therapy' to overcome the stressful effects of life today.

Picture 1 of Admiration is good for mental health

Research shows that emotions that are felt when encountering something overwhelming can also slow our perception of time, by editing the mind to the present time.

Studies on volunteers show that experiencing feelings of admiration makes people feel they have more free time. This makes them more patient, less physically heavy, and willing to take the time to help others.

In an experiment, volunteers watched a video describing people exposed to 'monumental images' such as waterfalls, whales and astronauts in space, while others write about inspiring memories and read books about climbing the Eiffel Tower and looking down at France's magnificent capital.

In a report published in the journal Psychological Science, the scientists wrote: 'A small dose of admiration even gives participants a feeling of satisfaction about life even temporarily, while emphasizing the range important of nurturing admiration in everyday life '.