AI-integrated killer robots have become a concern in conflicts

This is a topic that has been discussed many times, killer robots are still a concern, especially when they are integrated with artificial intelligence .

The development of technology and artificial intelligence in the military field makes many countries fearful. Recently, an expert at Harvard University (USA) warned about a new generation of killer robot weapons .

Humans cannot dominate activities

Picture 1 of AI-integrated killer robots have become a concern in conflicts
Killer robots integrated with artificial intelligence are a worry for countries and international organizations. (Illustration photo: SP).

Killer robots are understood as armed systems capable of opening fire without any human intervention. In 2018, 2,400 artificial intelligence (AI) experts signed an important agreement related to this type of weapon.

The content of the agreement refers to the intention of AI experts not to participate in the development or production of autonomous robots with offensive capabilities.

However, several devices of this type have been developed and used in the field, especially in Libya or during some ongoing geopolitical conflicts.

Professor Bonnie Docherty, Harvard University (USA) issued a warning that new generation killer robots are at the center of ethics, leaving it up to technology to decide the life and death of soldiers on the battlefield. School is a concern.

"Giving the power to decide life and death to machines crosses a red line for many people. This will dehumanize violence and reduce humans to numerical values ," said the expert. declare.

The ban failed

Legally, machines cannot distinguish between civilians and soldiers. This is one of the controversial issues about using this weapon in geopolitical conflicts, it can attack civilians.

Because artificial intelligence may not fully assess the risk before making the decision to attack a target.

Furthermore, the question of liability in case killer robots lose control of military targets is also an alarming issue.

Should these weapons be banned? This question has been raised by the United Nations. In November 2023, this agency established a committee related to the disarmament of this type of weapon.

Although the ban on killer robots is still in effect, the project cannot succeed, major countries such as the US, UK and Russia have objected. Instead, they propose solutions to limit the use of this weapon.