America built supercomputer, speed 10 billion calculations per second

US President Barack Obama has signed a decree to set up the National Strategic Computing Intiative Center to ensure the United States will be the world leader in supercomputer in the coming years.

America has ambition to lead the world in supercomputers

This project will develop exascale supercomputers , capable of processing at least 10 ^ 18 (10 billion billion) of calculations per second, for use in the medical, scientific research, and space sectors. .

Picture 1 of America built supercomputer, speed 10 billion calculations per second
TITAN supercomputer.

As expected, the first exascale supercomputer will be completed in the next 10 years, expected to be 2025 or as fast as 2023. America's most powerful supercomputers are currently being developed by IBM for the Department of Energy, expected to be completed in 2017 is the Sierra duo and Summit duo, processing capacity reaches 100 petaflops) (1 petaflop = 1 million floating point calculations per second) per machine.