America plans to conquer Mars from the moon

For a long time, American scientists have persisted in pursuing the goal of conquering the universe by overcoming technical obstacles.

For the first time since 1972, the US again plans to fly to the Moon. But this time is not the same short-term flight as the Apolo. Astronauts plan to build a long-term base and live there during the preparation of the most ambitious flight in history to fly to Mars.

In 2004, President Bush announced plans to build a spacecraft to fly to the moon by 2020, then fly to Mars. But the US aerospace agency is currently busy designing a new ship at a cost of about 40% of the space shuttle and international orbit, resulting in a slow progress in implementing the plan. .

Picture 1 of America plans to conquer Mars from the moon

America plans to conquer Mars from the moon.Photos from a foreign site.

Currently the Moon program planners are following the President's initiative and within half a year will set the required standards in the ship to create opportunities for astronauts. studying the Moon's surface. Architect Larry Toups, NASA's chief of staff for the prospective design department, claims that this is the work of the far future just as you are about to go on a picnic and prepare a car. You want to know for sure if you need it, you can go or not.

Meanwhile, scientists and engineers are poring over the technologies that are currently unavailable and solving problems such as how to deal with psychological stress in the home on the Moon, How to build bulldozers to use on the Moon, how to acquire skills like Christopher Mc Key at NASA research center called "research culture".

The moon is not for the weak. It is a place where there is no atmosphere, is often bombarded by cosmic rays and sub-meteorites, the temperature up and down erratically at hundreds of degrees and covered with dust can destroy astronauts' armor. , polluting the reserve air and causing the machinery to stop working.

This is not to mention many other unanswered questions such as within a year of working with the condition that the gravity of 1/6 gravity on the earth is health?

How will people react to life in tight spaces with dangerous conditions within half a year? Move people up there and don't know if they can return.

In some ways, being on the Moon is even harder than on Mars. Moon dust is harder than Mars dust; on Mars there is an atmosphere, the attraction of Mars is stronger (about 1/3 of the gravity of the earth;) on Mars there are many ice that can be used to supply water while on the Moon may also have, but not a lot of.

But in the end, the moon is more attractive because it is closer to us: from Earth to the Moon is 250 thousand miles, while to Mars is 34 million miles at the time closest to Earth. If an emergency is needed, within 3 days it is possible to reach the moon, while it takes several months to reach the star with the condition that the engines are not currently available.

The reason the Moon became an indispensable part of the Bush initiative was that Americans did not want to pay the price for mistakes.

Another reason that even scientists say that if the United States does not return to the moon, there will be another country to do it.

Pascal Lee, director of the Martian Institute said: "The new point is that China has announced its intention to fly to the Moon. Not only Europeans but also Russians want to go there. Can America ignore it? The Moon that flies to Mars while India and China fly to the Moon? I don't think so. " If Bush fulfills the goals set out in the next decade, the United States will be at the forefront of the conquest of the universe.

Although NASA is dealing with space shuttle problems and the International Orbital Station continues to plan for the Moon's exploration and search for the necessary technical solutions. Toups researcher said that once he gets to the Moon, he will begin to explore certain areas within 2-4 years like six Apolo lunar exploration missions, ending in 1972 if within 7 days. 10 days to find a more suitable position.

The US now has the southernmost stations of the earth where working people must be isolated, harsh external conditions, difficult to travel, no local people and cannot live without the help of the party. out. This is a model for stations on the Moon with the introduction of many modern technologies, such as energy-saving technologies, such as solar cells that provide electricity even when the moon has 14 days dark.

Or like the clothes of astronauts. The suits used on Apolo weigh more than 270 funtions on Earth, on the moon only 40-50 funts, while on Mars, 102 funts. Dust also raises concerns about the construction of the station on it, and one has to consider the possibility of treating the ground with microwaves to create a hard surface layer. Dust also prevents the use of devices with bearings. Low dust, gravity and erratic temperatures make the technical equipment used on the moon change unintended.

Researcher Daryl J.alkins said that the diesel engine could not be placed on it, no bulldozer could be used, no existing aerodynamics could stand it. To find the right tool, we have to go back to the nineteenth century with leverage and wires. Even leveling the construction site is difficult because gravity on the moon does not provide a fulcrum for the bulldozer.

Researcher Mc Key said it was hard work but possible. Must learn how to do it and if we do it on the Moon, we can answer the main question: can Mars be a place to live? I think the answer is affirmative.