America: Will conquer Mars within the next 20 years

The US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) recently confirmed that astronauts can carry out missions on Mars over the next 20 years, though there are still many great challenges.

These challenges will be discussed at a May 6-8 conference in Washington. The focus of the conference will be to discuss the latest projects for people to set foot on Red planet.

At a meeting that took place before the opening of the conference, Charles Spaceen, director of the US space agency, emphasized the current priority of space science to bring people to Mars. However, the prolonged economic crisis is hindering them.

Stanford University professor Scott Hubbard said that "if we start today, Mars will be conquered in the next 20 years".

Picture 1 of America: Will conquer Mars within the next 20 years

He stressed that in order to implement this ambitious program, the United States must have enough budget and a meticulous plan to challenge the development of technology.

According to him, the biggest challenge of this program is that NASA must move up to at least 30-40 tons of raw materials to live and enough materials for the ship to return to Earth before bringing people. to Mars.

Mr. Hubbard is also the Director of NASA's first Mars Research Program.

Previously, in August 2012, the Curiosity ship brought equipment to Mars but the load was only 1 ton. The mission of the ship is to study the Mars environment and find evidence of the existence of water in preparation for NASA's mission to send people to the future Red Planet.

Currently, NASA is developing an Orion rocket and missile launcher system to monitor the remote space exploration.

According to Mr. Hubbard, due to the limited living space, limited food and drinking water, extreme temperatures at -55 degrees Celsius and the atmosphere containing high levels of CO2 and radiation in flight are challenges. Next recipe of the project.

In addition, the effects of long flights on the central nervous system, skeletal system, muscle . are being considered.

According to cosmologists, they need at least 10 years to study the effect of flight on the human body.

The sociological survey conducted in March showed that 71% of Americans expressed a desire to go to Mars by 2033. Of those, 75% of respondents said that NASA's budget should increase by 1 % of the federal budget.

NASA currently receives only 0.5%, while the Apollo project conquering the Moon in the 1960s accounts for 4% of the federal budget.