America: 'Rebirth' girl died 7 years ago

Recently, Panayiotis Zavos - an American gynecologist, made a bold decision: 'reborn' a girl who died 7 years ago by asexual reproduction.

Picture 1 of America: 'Rebirth' girl died 7 years ago

Left photo: Baby Cady while still alive.Right photo: Dr. Panayiotis Zavos

Mr. Panayiotis Zavos said, he will still be determined to make this 'idea' even face social criticism.

Cady died 7 years ago, in a car accident in 2002.

However, after Cady's death, Dr. Panayiotis Zavos conducted a frozen storage of some of her blood cells, combined with a cow's egg to create a half-human, half-human embryo. object.

There have been four unnamed women volunteering to participate in the process of experimenting with Dr. Zavos's new reproduction method.

Dr. Zavos revealed, he implanted asexual embryo into the bodies of those four volunteers, and confirmed that the birth of the first cloned baby was not far away.

Mr. Zavos was born in England, but moved to the United States and brought his nationality.

Under British law and most other countries in the world, asexual reproduction is considered illegal. In the United States, asexual reproduction will not break the law if there is consent from pregnant women.

Currently, none of the four volunteer women are pregnant, but Dr. Zavos insists, there will be a healthy asexual baby within 1-2 years.

Cady's mother said she would be happy to see her daughter even if it was just 'version'.

She said: 'Cady is everything to me. Although the chance of success is only 1/1 billion, I still want to try. '

Meanwhile, Dr. Zavos said, he did this entirely for research purposes, but did not intend to bring a asexual baby to life in this world.