It is often said that in insects, the gods usually only breed when necessary. At that time, a whole bunch of males raced to fertilize the god. But recently, American and

After a long wait, the asexual ginseng plants were introduced by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Tan Nhut - Deputy Director of Tay Nguyen Institute of Biology (Da Lat, Lam Dong City) in

Finally scientists also solved the question, how can a small organism flourish during the past 50 million years without mating?

On April 22, Korean scientists announced that they cloned a pig to get transgenic transplanted organs for humans.

Recently, Panayiotis Zavos - an American gynecologist, made a bold decision: 'reborn' a girl who died 7 years ago by asexual reproduction.

On the Science page this week, he and his colleagues at the National Institutes of Health reported that they finally found the answer: putting enough Leishmania individuals into

Biological textbooks have always said that the main function of sex is to promote genetic diversity. However, Henry Heng does not agree with this view.

The British Food Standards Bureau has informed scientists of their conclusion that the milk and meat of asexual reproductive animals and their offspring ...