American research: the more intelligent the person is more susceptible to ... neurological disease?

American scientists have shown that the study is somewhat shocking, that the higher the IQ, the more intelligent the person is likely to get neurological disease.

Do you think people with high IQ are admirable? But a study by US scientists suggests that people with higher IQs are more likely to become neurotic.

The results came after a group of US researchers conducted a survey of 3,715 members of American Mensa, a US non-profit organization. The survey participants all had a IQ higher than 130. This is a fairly high IQ, average or mid-range IQ usually fluctuates between 85 and 115.

Picture 1 of American research: the more intelligent the person is more susceptible to ... neurological disease?
Members in the Mensa community have a higher rate of psychological disorders than others.

The research team also asked Mensa members to answer whether they ever had to go to a doctor or be diagnosed with mental illness. These mental illnesses include autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Volunteers who do experiments must also report back to their spiritual life, for example, do they often experience emotional confusion, anxiety or suspicion of having a mental illness? diagnosed or not. At the same time, they were also asked about other diseases such as food allergies, asthma .

After summarizing the results and comparing this information with the national average statistics for each disease, the research team came to a conclusion. Members of the Mensa community have significantly higher rates of psychological disorders than others.

According to a study published in Science Direct, although 10% of the population is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, this number is increased by 20% only in the Mensa community.

This study is based on a model that suggests that, smart people who have 'super brain' often react more strongly to stimulation from the environment and 'can lead to psychological disorders as well as those Other physical conditions related to the immune system and sensitivity to infections'.

And yes, their research confirms this, because it is clear that the higher the IQ score, the stronger and stronger the reactions to the surrounding environment.

The authors of the study write: "Abnormal intense emotional intensity, excessive agitation . can be detected and disabled immediately at many levels. Most people like that are suffering from daily emotional and physical stress.

Picture 2 of American research: the more intelligent the person is more susceptible to ... neurological disease?
The more intelligent a person is, the greater the risk of developing neurological diseases.

Dr. Nicole Tetreault of Pitzer University, co-author of this study, shared with Thriveworks website that small stimuli such as a strange sound or a clothes brush can also cause them to strain reactions. Chronic straightness at low levels, then, the body's response will be activated.

However, research shows that high IQ is not the cause of mental illness, but it can be a relatively high correlation with the smart group.

Researchers wrote: "Intelligence research often focuses on lightning flashes in this rare, intelligent population, but to study it completely, we cannot Do not admit that, following each bright flash is intense thunder. '