Vitamin D deficiency will cause depression

According to a recent study conducted by a team of American scientists, vitamin D deficiency in some cases has been linked to health problems from cardiovascular disease to neurological manifestations.

>>>English: Need to supplement vitamin D for mothers

Picture 1 of Vitamin D deficiency will cause depression

The study was published in Mayo Medical Journal.

The study examined 12,600 participants between the end of 2006 and the end of 2010.

Dr Sherwood Brown, a professor of psychiatry at the Medical Center at Southwest Texas University and colleagues, said high doses of vitamin D will significantly reduce depression, especially The former had a history of depression.

However, according to scientists, the study has yet to show exactly how the relationship between low vitamin D levels causes debilitating symptoms and whether the depression itself causes vitamin D depletion. How chemically they are going. Research still needs to be continued and further developed.