Signs of vitamin D deficiency

You may have vitamin D deficiency for many years without knowing it. That will cause serious health consequences. Read the following warning signs:

1. Bone pain

One of the main signs of vitamin D deficiency is bone pain. Vitamin D supports bones to absorb calcium. Lack of vitamin D, your bones will be weak, fragile and painful. Your body needs calcium, but if not enough vitamin D to support calcium absorption, calcium can be excreted by magnesium. You should add vitamin D to your body by eating eggs, fish, fish oil or heating sun for at least 20 minutes a day.

2. Cognitive decline

Vitamin D is also responsible for supporting a large amount of activity in the brain. It may help activate cognitive function. If you find it hard to focus on your work for a long time, you may be deficient in vitamin D.

3. Depression

Depression is a problem for many women today. Due to the lack of sun exposure, we are vulnerable to this important vitamin deficiency. Whether you eat a healthy diet, exercise, and generally have no other problems that cause depression, you may still be deficient in vitamin D. Consult your doctor about the supplement or heat up at least 20 minutes a day.

Picture 1 of Signs of vitamin D deficiency

4. Diabetes

Current research has shown an association between vitamin D deficiency and type 1, type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D may help support glucose metabolism so vitamin D deficiency can lead to blood sugar levels. low.

5. Cancer

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with all types of cancer, from breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer.

6. Bone disease

In children, bone disease is called rickets, and in adults is called osteoporosis. Both diseases arise due to bone weakness, and can cause serious health problems, even weakening the ability to walk or sit down. Bone health is extremely important and when vitamin D, calcium is not absorbed, bone disease can occur.

7. Obesity

Obesity is one of the signs of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can cause obesity and many other problems. Obesity can also arise from many other causes, so consult your doctor about your diet.

Vitamin D comes in two forms: Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is the most suitable form for the human body and is most easily absorbed. Vitamin D2 is less effective, you can find vitamin D2 in dairy products, cheese, cereals. If you want to supplement vitamin D3, add eggs, liver, fish, fish oil, milk, yogurt to your diet.