Vitamin D deficiency makes leukemia worse

The latest study by scientists from the Mayo Clinic and the University of Iowa USA found a close relationship between vitamin D levels and leukemia.

Picture 1 of Vitamin D deficiency makes leukemia worse
Illustration. (Internet source)

The lack of vitamin D can make leukemia worse. In contrast, normal vitamin D levels will help prolong the patient's life.

Scientists conducted studies on 390 people with chronic lymphocytic leukemia , of which 30% of patients were found to be deficient in vitamin D during the course of the disease.

After a three-year period of follow-up investigation, scientists discovered a deteriorating condition as well as the probability of using chemotherapy for patients with leukemia that were 66% higher than that of and the risk of death is more than twice that of other normal patients.

In addition, the study found that raising levels of vitamin D may help prolong the lifespan of leukemia patients. This conclusion is not affected by factors related to the development of leukemia.

According to scientists, it is important to help treat leukemia more effectively. They may base on the patient's condition to supplement vitamin D.

The results of the study were published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology.