A study by US scientists indicates that people with higher IQs are more likely to become neurotic.

You will have to secretly thank the heaven and earth for giving you a normal body, without having the following scary syndromes.

If you exhibit self-improvement, think you are a genius, even a great god, then you are probably suffering from a serious psychological syndrome called paraphrenia.

Psychological illnesses are the most terrible diseases. They torment people day after day, while not receiving proper recognition from society.

The research results may open up a more effective therapy for patients with depression due to phobias such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The infected person believes that all relatives are fake, or they eat their own organs, or wake up soon after thinking that they are dead ...

Although science cannot be explained, the world still exists people who cannot live without drinking blood, dubbed the modern-day vampire.

Psychiatry has always been one of the hardest and least-explored specialties of medicine, with hundreds of different types of diseases, syndromes and disorders. Currently, the

At the end of the autumn - the eastern head pulled the temperature down, there was no sunshine, the daylight was faint, causing many people to be startled to find boredom and fear

About 4% of the world's population can hear strange voices in their heads.