Ancient gold-plating technology surpasses the present

More than 2,000 years ago, craftsmen developed the preeminent thin film coating technology that is still used today to produce DVDs, electronic devices and many other products.

The finding is the result of research by scientists from the American Chemical Society (ACS). For years, scientists have struggled with the question of how ancient gold-plated workers could put gold or silver on complex objects so beautifully and impressively?

Picture 1 of Ancient gold-plating technology surpasses the present
A gold-plated work from 825 BC.(Photo: ACS)

Until recently, thanks to the research results of the group of experts at ACS, the secret of thousands of years of old people was revealed.

Scientists at ACS used the latest analytical techniques and discovered that goldsmiths and silvermen 2,000 years ago mastered a variety of techniques, including using mercury as a glue to coat layers. Thin metal film on statues and many other objects. This technology is also used for gold and silver.

Knowing this special technique, many goldsmiths in the past knew how to cheat when gold and silver were plated on a cheap metal statue to sell at a higher price.

The scientists' findings show: "Ancient artists and craftsmen have reached a high level, creating products with artistic quality cannot be better. Even today, they are We have all the most modern technologies that can't be done like that. "

Understanding sophisticated metal plating techniques from ancient times brings many benefits, especially in preserving priceless artistic treasures from the past.