Ancient Mickey Mouse

Thousands of years before Mickey's cartoon character came into being, a French artist created a bronze shirt with a picture that looks exactly like this famous mouse.

Creates from 900 were excavated in Uppåkr region, southern Sweden. Although made of copper, this jewelry can be installed on an Iron Age woman's shirt. Excavations in the nearby area also harvest other unusual ornaments, such as a line consisting of 262 pieces of amber.

The button pin may make people think of Mickey Mouse, but archaeologist Jerry Rosengren at the University of Lund, Sweden, says it bears the shape of a lion.

"Lion-shaped jewelry originated in France in AD 700. About 200 years later, a certain French painter, who may have never seen a lion in his life, came up with imaginary imagery. this ".

Picture 1 of Ancient Mickey Mouse
(Photo: Discovery)

Lions are an important royal and military symbol in Scandinavian regions, especially after the introduction of Jewish Christianity. The Bible mentions a lion 157 times. Even before the time of the Bible, this wild cat was also a symbol of power, strength and victory in some Middle Eastern cultures.

It is possible that the relationship between these two images is derived from a circle design. The Disney Company website also said that the original images of Mickey Mouse in 1920 consisted of overlapping circles only. Over the decades, Mickey's image has been modified and become a familiar character like today.