Announcing products for urban wireless networks

Motorola has announced two additional radio configurations for the MOTOMESH urban wireless network product line. This product is intended for the expansion of WiFi wireless products.

MOTOMESH provides urban network and network providers with more choices and greater flexibility to best meet the end users' wireless coverage and application needs. Thanks to this technology, users of fixed or mobile wireless networks can easily connect when traveling in the city.

MOTOMESH in addition to its compact form factor, customization features, and bandwidth flexibility, customers will find new features that help manage WiFi networks more easily and economically.

Picture 1 of Announcing products for urban wireless networks

Equipment set point of MOTOMESH urban wireless network system.Photo: Motorola

Some of MOTOMESH's new features introduced by Motorola include: Adaptive and flexible internet port - port nodes adapt to the ability to disconnect the Internet backbone by instant switching to wireless routers and storage streams amount to another port in the network. This minimizes the ability to disconnect the network and ensure continuous WiFi connection.

Dual-meshing capability - Each 2.4 / 4.9GHz MOTOMESH Dual set is equipped with single or dual radio mesh devices capable of accessing and connecting to the Internet backbone (backhaul).

The 4.9 GHz band can be reserved for public security access and connection to an Internet backbone (backhaul) through a wireless connection, while accessing the public network and connecting to the corresponding Internet backbone (backhaul). provided by the second radio connection in the 2.4 GHz band.

Dustin Jurman, President of Rapid Systems, an urban wireless service provider, said: ' It will be very difficult to meet the diverse needs of urban wireless customers. The new MOTOMESH dual devices, along with new features, can be fully customized and scaled regardless of network size, location or application '.

MOTOMESH Dual recently received the Wireless Broadband Award for the best wireless broadband Mobile Solution.

Thuy Linh