Car drivers often tire of long journeys, especially at night, leading to fatal accidents. Researchers at the Fraunhfer Institute for Digital Media Technologies in Ilmenau (IDMT, Germany) have developed a driver's eye tracking system that allows drivers to be warned before they fall asleep. sleep.

The Eyetraker allows the driver to determine the three-dimensional vision of the driver.
The Eyetracker is only about the size of half a bag, a small lens, about 3-4mm in diameter. The special feature of the Eyetracker is that it can be installed in any car model.
Prof. Husar (IDMT) said, " Eyetrackers are equipped with at least two 3-D video cameras, making it easy to locate the space and the visual path. The information is stored in a standard interface (USB, CAN), so it can be connected directly to the car's computer system . '
If the camera detects a fall in the eye for more than a certain amount of time, it will sound an alarm. In the driver assistance system, up to 4 -6 cameras track the driver's eyes. The camera records up to 200 images per second to determine the view.
Eyetracker has a number of potential applications. In medicine, the camera system can assist with opening the eyes by recording the patient's eye movements. Game players can also look around without changing the view. This is also a valuable tool for marketers and advertisers to determine which position in the poster or advertisement draws more attention from their target audience.