Appears an unknown object leading the way to the '9th planet'

According to the Daily Mail, the object identified by the Vatican's Advanced Technology Telescope, dubbed 2021 XD7, takes 286 years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

Astronomers at the Vatican have discovered a mysterious new object lying in the dark outer space of Neptune's orbit, seemingly being pulled by a planet even further away - the planet Legendary 9th.

According to the Daily Mail, the object identified by the Vatican's Advanced Technology Telescope, dubbed 2021 XD7, takes 286 years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

The object's size has not been determined, but is certainly smaller than Pluto. It is classified as a "trans-Neptune object" (TNO), which includes more than 800 discovered objects.

Picture 1 of Appears an unknown object leading the way to the '9th planet'

Planet 9 is gradually being revealed through trans-Neptune objects? -

What is remarkable is that 2021 XD7 has a strange orbit, which is significantly more inclined than the movements of Earth, Mars and other planets. Astronomers believe this strange orbit is caused by the object being acted upon by a mysterious pull, from a sufficiently large and powerful object, lurking in the darkness beyond Neptune.

To match the data, the thing that impacts 2021 XD7 must be nearly 4 times the size and 10 times the mass of Earth. It must be a planet - the ninth planet that astronomers are still debating is fact or just a myth.

The orbit of this hypothetical ninth planet is so wide that it would take between 10,000 and 20,000 years to complete one revolution around the Sun.

This is not the first time scientists have found a trans-Neptunian object behaving strangely, influenced by an invisible gravitational force. There are currently two major theories about the dark object: a giant 9th planet or a small black hole.

Update 22 February 2022



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