Auto Answer YM 8.0 - Auto reply chat in YM 8.0 with high customization ability

With Auto Answer YM 8.0 (by nerverbestboy), you can let the program automatically respond to messages in Yahoo! Messenger when you are not at the computer or are unable to answer. The interface of the program is in Vietnamese completely, supports YM8 and allows you to customize the answer automatically according to the opponent's chat.

In addition, the program also supports Vietnamese input (Unicode encoding) in the autoresponder section.

The program can run immediately without installation. Once activated, its main interface appears.

Picture 1 of Auto Answer YM 8.0 - Auto reply chat in YM 8.0 with high customization ability To manage content automatically answered, press the " Manage Command " button.

In the " Command Name " box, select Default and look at the right pane, which is the default auto response content for all situations. To edit this message, press the " Edit Command " button and enter a new message.

Note, you can use the % nicksendme% representation string to replace the nickname that sent the message to you. When finished editing, press " Save changes " and " Back ".

In addition, for each chat command line, you can specify different answer content, by pressing the " Add Command " button, enter the command name and the answer content. For example, when a user enters " / thongtin ", it will display help information for example.

When you're done setting the steps, press the " Return " button to return to the main screen. Press the " Start " button to start the automatic reply mode. All information received during this period will be answered by the program itself and then recorded in the " Message nickes " and " Message content " frames.

Auto Answer YM 8.0 tool is provided for free here (90KB capacity).