Baby girl was born smiling with 2 front teeth

The first time I looked at you laughing, Summer Whelan's parents were shocked to see that her lower jaw had two bright white front teeth.

Summer Whelan was born on July 20, weighed more than 3kg and had two lower jaw teeth, so she had to go to the dentist on the first day. And, while other babies received gifts as decorations, the girl was given a beautiful little toothbrush from her sister.

During the first month of life, her parents, Karen and Andy, lived in Wallsend, he had to welcome guests by friends and relatives from all over the place who wanted to see the special smile with two incisors from her mouth.

Picture 1 of Baby girl was born smiling with 2 front teeth

The newborn has teeth that have met in this family. Her 76-year-old grandmother, now living in Howdon, North Tyneside, also has two front teeth when she is born.

Summer's mother, Karen, said she was surprised when the medical staff carried her daughter in front of her and discovered she had two abnormal incisors.

'Summer is very lovely. This is funny. When I was laboring, her father Andy told me and my mother the day before his mother had had two front teeth. Then we burst into laughter. But when Summer was born, when I looked at her crying, I shouted, "I have two teeth!", She recalls.

She said that at that time, midwives did not pay attention to this, but the next morning, she and her husband were reminded to take their children to the dentist. Thankfully everything is fine.

Normally, a child's teeth begin to develop before the baby is born. However, usually they only appear when they are about 6 months to 1 year old.

According to chroniclelive , one baby is born after about 2,000 newborns.

The first teeth are usually 4 incisors that grow in the upper and lower jaw, used to bite and chew food. Many children often fuss, irritable when teething because of pain. Most children have enough 20 baby teeth when they are about 3 years old.