Video: The process of teething for children aged 0-7 years

Normally, children are born with an uncontrolled mouth. However, under their favor, where we cannot see, all the teeth, except for the wisdom teeth, are ready to form.

Most of the baby's baby teeth begin to appear around the time they are 6 months old. Usually there will be the first 2 incisors in the lower jaw and the next 2 years, the other teeth will grow later. The teeth may be hard, causing the gums to suffer from inflammation and pain during the papillae.

Some people imagine that baby teeth are temporary, so losing them will not affect them. That's not right.Early loss of milk teeth can affect the development of other teeth.

Picture 1 of Video: The process of teething for children aged 0-7 years

Baby teeth hold adult teeth. Therefore, early loss of milk teeth due to tooth decay may result in loss of occupation of this position, resulting in excessive tooth growth and deviation. Baby teeth are also essential for pronunciation, chewing and muscle growth - jaw bone. They even affect the improvement of face shape.

Therefore, taking care of baby teeth is also important, especially when they are 50% thinner than adult teeth. As the children grew up, the space between the baby teeth began to form to make the adult teeth wider and taller than the gums.

When the child is about 6 years old, the adult teeth start to appear. And when this process occurs, the teeth of the baby teeth begin to wobble and break off due to the pressure of the adult teeth. Baby teeth will fall off to make room for adult teeth to grow permanently. This is the time when we need to take care of our teeth very carefully.

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