Children under 2 years old should not watch TV

Under the guidance of psychologists, children under 2 years old should not watch television, while older children should not exceed 1 to 2 hours / day.

Picture 1 of Children under 2 years old should not watch TV

(Photo: BBC)

TV and video programs can be confusing for children under 3 years old, because they are learning how to distinguish what is real and what is not. In addition, some shocking images can contribute to anxiety and fear in children's psychological development.

Benefits of watching TV:

- TV broadens intellectual horizons, brings children to music, ideas, country and people of many parts of the world.

- Help young children with skills to recognize shapes and colors, as well as skills to count and receive illiteracy. In addition, it also contributes to opening up knowledge from books.

- Television stories can help provide some effective ways to express feelings and resolve conflicts. They also increase the power of positive social values, such as compassion, righteous behavior, selflessness.

- TV provides children with social advantages, especially in schools.

Limitations of watching TV:

- TV takes away the children for long periods of time, which they need to explore the world and things around them.

- It squeezes dry your child's natural energy.

- It contributes to obesity such as sucking ice cream, eating candy and watching TV.

- Children are exposed to advertising information forests, but they are not aware of the value because of the truth of these ads.

Tips for parents:

- Set strict limits on the amount of time children are allowed to watch TV every day. Fun, reading, listening to music, sports, entertainment entertainment, outdoor activities, handicrafts, social communication are all things that children must be educated comprehensively.

- Be exemplary adults. Let your children see you study, read, listen to music, participate in activities without the TV.

- Do not eat and drink, do not prepare meals in front of the TV screen.

- Select programs that are appropriate for the age and development of children.

- The video has the advantage of being able to watch in appropriate time periods for everyone, parents can be proactive at their side, encouraging discussion and improving children's understanding.

- Avoid opening the TV all day. Turn off the TV as soon as the program ends.

- Do not leave the TV in the child's bedroom.