Children who watch TV often appear to have harmful habits

Children now spend too much time in front of TV and that's a bad thing. They can be overweight, poor learning outcomes and other bad habits. That is the conclusion of an article published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

Experts from the University of Montreal (Canada) and the University of Michigan (USA) have collaborated to study the relationship between the phenomenon of being too engrossed in watching TV to academic achievement, lifestyle and long-term harms. in them later.

Picture 1 of Children who watch TV often appear to have harmful habits

Young fathers and mothers should not neglect their children with the TV.

Dr. Pauli Pagani, the project leader, said at the press conference: "We found that every hour a child watching TV is involved in the phenomenon of less activity in the classroom, poor results. About Math, often ridiculed, teased, stagnant by friends in lifestyle, like to eat toxic foods (fastfood type) and finally have a high BMI '.

Participating in this extensive study has over 1,300 students. Their parents said about the amount of time spent sitting in front of their children between the ages of 29 and 53 months. Then their teachers gave data and commented on their child's academic performance, psychological characteristics and habits, and the doctors finally calculated the BMI (weight gain index). and height to determine obesity) for children aged 10 years and older.

Scientists say that in Canada, 2-year-olds watch TV for less than 9 hours in a week, and 4 years about 15 hours in a week. But according to the questionnaire, 11% of 2-year-olds and 23% of 4-year-olds sat in front of the screen for more than 2 hours a day.

According to the authors, 2-year-old children watching TV too much, later on, their learning results are poor, especially in Mathematics, they have a poor average score of 6% and their BMI is 5% higher. and the probability of being friends of ridicule increased by 10%.

Dr. Pagani concluded: 'Although we hope that the influence of watching TV from childhood will be lost 7.5 years later, but the reality is that the bad consequences still exist surprisingly.'

She added: 'Our results can become the basis for giving guidelines against watching TV too much in children, to convince parents, responsible for managing them at home. advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics on issues that they have not paid much attention to. '

Source: Rian, ru