Tips to manage when a child has a fever, teething pain

When a child with teething pain, she can feed chilled banana slices to help soothe the benefits and reduce swelling, relieve pain, reduce fever and reduce crying.

According to experts at the National Institute of Pediatrics, when teething, children often have fever, discomfort, pain, so much that they cry. After that, symptoms may go away when the baby's teeth appear. Children with teething fever and fever due to pathology are completely different, so parents need to be aware and differentiated to have appropriate management.

Doctors explain: Usually the body temperature ranges from 36.5 to 37.5 degrees C. Fever is a phenomenon of higher body temperature than normal.Most causes of fever in children are infections (bacteria, viruses, parasites). In the case of teething fever children is not pathological, then the body temperature increases to 38 to 38.5 degrees Celsius. There are some children with high fever due to the progression of acute inflammatory disease around the crowns. or abscess around the crown.

Teething babies may have a fever or no fever. Mostly, young fever during teething is due to gingivitis. Therefore parents need to pay attention to the following symptoms of their children:

Picture 1 of Tips to manage when a child has a fever, teething pain
Teething babies may have a fever or no fever.Mostly, young fever during teething is due to gingivitis.(Artwork: News).

  1. Drooling:At this time children often salivate and like to suck something in their mouths.When teething, the body is weak so they are more susceptible to disease and digestive disorders.Children often have a fever at this time or earlier.
  2. Children are often tired, fussy, sleepless and irritable.
  3. The gums may become swollen, making the child feel itchy, uncomfortablewhere the teeth are raised.Babies often put their fingers and toys into their mouths to bite.These symptoms usually occur 3 to 5 days before the teeth appear.In some cases, an oral infection may be caused by a break in the gums.These symptoms cause children to have pain, lots of crying, poor eating and possibly weight loss.Therefore, parents need to take proper care and have good nutrition for their babies.

Doctors recommend that when children see their babies cry due to teething, parents should be sympathetic because the first tooth always makes them the most painful, irritable and uncomfortable. Find ways to ease your child's pain with the following suggestions:

  1. Give me a snack.This type of cake is sold in specialty stores and supermarkets for children.This type of cake is soft when combined with your baby's saliva.Most weaning cakes for teething babies contain very little sugar and no preservatives.
  2. Oral hygiene:Offer baby water to filter after eating, wipe with a soft cloth, brush your baby's teeth, do it regularly and many times a day.
  3. Do not let your baby come into contact with square toys to be sharpbecause they will chew on their mouths to hurt their gums.
  4. Give baby banana sliced ​​cold, help to calm the beneficial area, reduce swelling, reduce pain.When you feel comfortable, your baby will not cry.
  5. She can wipe her baby with warm waterbecause cold or hot water can make the fever worse.Warm water will help the body to escape heat, reduce fever faster, avoid cold water too hot.Dress your baby in comfortable and airy clothes for easy escape of heat.
  6. It is possible to give prescription painmedicine.
  7. If your baby has a fever of 38.5 degrees C or higher, Paracetamol can be used to reduce fever, dose from 10 to 15mg per kilogram of weight, once every 4 hours.In the case of a mild fever, there is no need to take medicine.
  8. Mother should strengthen feeding for babies during the day.If the baby cannot suckle, she needs to express milk and feed her with a spoon.

Note: Babies with teething fever usually last only a few days. If your baby has a high fever constantly, vomiting can be caused by another disease, not teething. Need to bring your baby immediately to the doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment. The American Institute of Dentistry affirmed that fever higher than 39 degrees should not be attributed to any dental problems, including teething.