Very effective toothache treatment tips

A toothache treatment will help you relieve toothache quickly when you haven't had time to see a dentist. These are all common ingredients in the kitchen. If you know how to use them, it can temporarily cure toothache pain to help you. Do not let your teeth ache and make you uncomfortable, affecting your daily life. Try these effective ways to cure toothache but quickly.

Picture 1 of Very effective toothache treatment tips

Here are some tips to help you relieve toothache:

Use mouthwash

Use mouthwash to clean the remaining germs or bacteria in the mouth. This will ensure that the teeth are clean, free of bacteria and bacteria and can reduce toothache.


This is a very easy way but not many people pay attention when there is a toothache phenomenon. Take a clean towel with ice water and put it in the towel. When you wrap the stone, the kick starts to radiate and you start rubbing it on the sore. Just a little bit, you will feel that the area of ​​the tooth that is in pain is somewhat numb because of the cold feeling. Then the pain gradually subsided. However, then you should still see a doctor.

Toothache tips from potatoes

Slice a slice of potato, crush it and apply it on the painful tooth for about 15 minutes. This cure for toothache will bring incredible results.

Picture 2 of Very effective toothache treatment tips

Hot packs

Use warm and hot bandages to relieve pain. Apply ice packs on the cheek first to the area where the tooth is in pain for about a minute. Then replace it with a warm water bottle in that position. Repeated several times like that, your pain will be significantly reduced.

Picture 3 of Very effective toothache treatment tips


Lemon juice is proven to be very effective in toothache relief. It will massage the teeth and gums. In addition, onion juice also works like lemonade, so if you can tolerate the smell of onion, it is also good to use onion juice instead of lemon juice.

Picture 4 of Very effective toothache treatment tips


Salt is a very useful spice in this case. Add warm water to a glass and add 2 tablespoons of salt and stir well. At this time, salt water has certain salty taste and because salt is antiseptic, so when you use salt water to suck and gargle, the symptoms of toothache and pain will decrease. You should suck and shovel salt water for about 30 seconds, then spit it and repeat it repeatedly.


Ginger is antiseptic, also reduces the symptoms of infection, treats minor wounds, or swollen spots. Therefore, ginger also works when we are suffering from tooth decay. First, cut the ginger into thin leaves, then put ginger slices in the position where we are suffering from pain, bite tightly to let the water flow and soak in the pain will help us reduce pain and reduce swelling .


Garlic also has antiseptic properties. Peel fresh garlic and smash and add salt and mix well. After mixing the salt into the garlic clove and using the garlic cloves in the position where the tooth is in pain will also reduce the discomfort. With garlic mixed with salt you can use a little more water for the water in the garlic cloves more secreted. Using a cotton swab soaked in garlic and salt and dabbing on the areas of painful teeth, you can do it continuously. Or you can use garlic cloves in between the teeth that are sore and bite tightly to allow the garlic juice to come out and absorb evenly into the areas of painful teeth, reducing the inflammation.

Picture 5 of Very effective toothache treatment tips Ginger and garlic also help you reduce your fast toothache at home


If you can tolerate the taste of onions, you can squeeze the water into the sore or sliced ​​thinly and suck in the sore.

These simple methods, you can temporarily reduce toothache. However, if you have the best time you need to go to the dentist as soon as possible to see and discover what causes your teeth to ache, ache . and have effective treatment .

Pepper and basil

Black pepper and basil are all familiar spices in each person's kitchen and are not difficult to find in any market. Black pepper has anti-inflammatory effect while basil restricts the growth of many bacteria. When you have a toothache, just cut a few basil leaves, rinse and crush with a few black pepper. After grinding into a paste, apply to the area of ​​the tooth to relieve the toothache quickly.

Green tea

According to the National dentistry hospital, green tea has high antibacterial properties and is capable of preventing or slowing the development of tooth decay. Gargling with green tea can help heal gingivitis. The easiest way is to cook green tea to rinse your mouth several times a day because green tea has good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Betel leaves, guava leaves

Use 2 - 3 betel leaves without crushing with some salt seeds and mix with 1 cup of white wine. Allow 10 minutes to settle and decant the clear water. Use this water to rinse your mouth twice, each time 5 minutes apart to soothe the pain but be careful not to drink. Besides, chewing the washed guava leaves also helps reduce toothache symptoms.

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Picture 7 of Very effective toothache treatment tips

Many people will be surprised when mango peels can also cure toothache. In fact, mango shells have a welding effect, very good use in hemostasis, diuretic and especially cure toothache with mango peel.

Simply put, you just need to bring 3 pieces of mango pods as big as a shaved hand to remove the outer skin and sharpen it with 3 bowls of filtered water until only 2 bowls, filter and pour into the prepared bottle. Each time just take 1 cup to suck and gargle, you will see the effect of unexpected toothache.

Olive oil and cloves

Picture 8 of Very effective toothache treatment tips

Olive oil is a very useful ingredient, and cloves are a very popular ingredient made in Indian dishes, and cloves are also a great way to cure toothache. effective, because of its very strong anesthetic.

How to cure toothache with these two ingredients is very simple, mix the clove oil and olive oil mixture in a ratio of 2: 1 to rub on the painful tooth and gums swollen and inflamed (if any). Doing this every day, you will feel a lot of pain in your toothache, this is an effective way to treat toothache.

Vented publications

Picture 9 of Very effective toothache treatment tips

This is one of the traditional oriental medicine methods to treat tooth aches and pains. Press your thumb firmly at the intersection between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand surface. Press hard and hold on for about 2 minutes. This stimulates the release of endorphins, a hormone that helps the mind feel more excited by the brain's secretion. However, this technique should not be applied to pregnant women.

Mint tea

Picture 10 of Very effective toothache treatment tips

Mint tea has both a delicious taste and an anesthetic effect. Add one tablespoon of dried mint leaves to a glass of boiling water and soak for about 20 minutes. After the tea has cooled down, use them to rinse your mouth. Repeat often when pain appears.


These top-notch toothache tips are effective but only temporary. To say goodbye forever with obsession from deep teeth, patients should quickly find a reputable dental center to be consulted and treated by experienced doctors.

In addition, attention should be paid to daily oral hygiene to prevent toothache. To prevent dental disease, horizontal and vertical brushing is recommended, so that the direction of the brush in the same direction as the tooth, so that both can be cleaned and can massage the teeth, improve circulation Blood of surrounding organizations, reducing pain caused by tooth disease.