Some foods such as vinegar, fermented fruit juice, syrup, antiseptic solution of mouth and throat, ... also contain alcohol in small amounts.

Bleeding gums are not uncommon in life but if you do, you should

According to The Hindustan Times, triclosan is a common compound, found in antibacterial soaps, toothpaste, hand washes, mouth rinses and other personal care products.

With the young leaves of the eagle, two girls in Hue used the young leaf to create a natural composition to help their teeth become bright and fragrant.

Bright white teeth not only help you have a beautiful smile but also help you feel confident in life. To remove stain stains on teeth you can follow some simple ways below.

A toothache treatment will help you relieve toothache quickly when you haven't had time to see a dentist. These are all common ingredients in the kitchen. If you know how to use

When it comes to simple things like daily personal hygiene habits? Are you sure you made them scientifically and properly?

Researchers found that the culprit that makes us breathe less fragrant after getting up in the morning may be what helps us get out of this situation better than mouthwash.

In order to find new and effective ways to cure diseases, scientists are implicitly conducting a series of clinical trials with common, easy-to-find ingredients around the world.

When stressed, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, causing the body to cut down on saliva production, making our mouths dry and causing bad odors.