Beautiful Earth images are unique

Photos taken from the International Space Station as it flies over the Atlantic Ocean so beautifully that viewers must utter astonished.

Picture 1 of Beautiful Earth images are unique
These photos were captured by the members of the International Space Station, using a 50mm lens.

Picture 2 of Beautiful Earth images are unique
This photo was taken when the Main Space Station headed toward the Sun.

Picture 3 of Beautiful Earth images are unique
The members of the 35th expedition team took a beautiful picture when the Sun rose from the south of the Pacific Ocean.

Picture 4 of Beautiful Earth images are unique
This photo captures the states in the southeastern United States when it is evening, and the Moon is rising.

Picture 5 of Beautiful Earth images are unique
This is Birmingham, England, at night.

Picture 6 of Beautiful Earth images are unique
Photo of Alcatraz Island, located on San Francisco Bay, USA.

Picture 7 of Beautiful Earth images are unique
A green river stands out in the green rice fields in Brazil.