Bill Gates spent $ 15 million on the computer museum

Picture 1 of Bill Gates spent $ 15 million on the computer museum The head of giant Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates has decided to extract from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 15 million USD to contribute to the museum about computer history - Computer History Museum.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is an organization founded by Bill Gates and his wife.

And the Computer History Museum was founded in 1996, and is the largest organization in the world, specializing in introducing technology products and computers. The museum representative said the money given by Bill Gates was the biggest donation ever.

The museum currently plans to build an exhibition program and open a specialized course, estimated to cost up to 124 million USD. Therefore, the museum is in need of all contributions and support from many sides.

" The impact of technology revolution on modern society is hard to calculate. This revolution changes the way of life, work, learning, communication and even games. And tasks Our today is to collect data and images of computer technology throughout its history - from when they were invented to today and tomorrow. We will be able to explain and gender with future generations about the constant changes of computers, "- Bill Gates said.

Mai Hoa