Bioterrorism Detector

Researchers in California say they are working on a form of medical device that could help detect early biological threats such as anthrax or food poisoning.

Picture 1 of Bioterrorism Detector
US experts are researching the device
New - (Photo: Sandia National Laboratory)

Scientists at the Sandia National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., Say the new device will also identify toxic substances such as ricin, shiga and SEB, all of which can be transformed into terrorism. learn.

Once finalized and endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration, these lines of equipment could be used most in emergency rooms in the event of a biological attack. , according to a press release from the Sandia National Laboratory.

"This is a demand that has not yet been met in the US biological defense program ," said Anup Singh, a ScienceDaily spokeswoman.

The study received nearly $ 4 million in funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the American Institute of Health.