Black matter at the bottom of the lake reveals the truth about a 'Hellish Earth'

A number of previous studies have shown that the Earth has experienced a period of death from death to breathability, only to return to death easily because of ease of breathing and life, starting about 2.4 billion years ago. is GOE - the great oxidation event. This theory, with some inadequate evidence, shows that the rise of cyanobacteria and the movement of tectonic plates have breathed new life into the planet by causing the oxygen - gas concentration of life - increase rapidly.

Picture 1 of Black matter at the bottom of the lake reveals the truth about a 'Hellish Earth'
A 2 billion-year-old rock has a mysterious shiny black mineral, revealing the true history of Earth - (photo: K.Paiste).

GOE has helped the Earth creatures have a strong population growth, covering the globe. But then the number of organisms born was too much compared to the amount of oxygen available, resulting in "overload", the Earth became stifled again. So, the biggest extinction in Earth's history takes place, worse than the asteroid disaster that kills dinosaurs, turning our planet into a true hell.

The evidence for "Hell's Earth" is the Lomagundi - Jatuli (LJE) Incident, a phase in which large amounts of organic matter, most likely biological organisms, are buried in sediments.

However, the mysterious matter in Russia, a mineral called "ancient shungite", which the team led by Dr. Kaarel Mänd, majoring in Earth sciences at the University of Alberta (Canada) shows that Contrast: "Hell hell" may never exist. Our planet is still easy to live after GOE. This strange material dates after LJE, but has extremely high levels of molybdenum, uranium, and rhenium, which must be associated with abundant oxygen.

This finding means that during this period of material existence, it is not possible for Earth to be breathed by living creatures to the point of lack of oxygen. The LJE disaster can be caused by another mystery! So maybe it's time to break down the old theory and find a more plausible answer, which is what the team intends to do after the initial finding.

The research has just been published in the journal Nature Goescience.

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