Bleeding from the teeth, little blood loss but not taken lightly

Some people keep brushing their teeth and bleeding. Although it only takes a little bit of blood, but you should not be overlooked because it can be followed by dental problems such as inflammation around the teeth, gingivitis, cavities . even more serious.

Picture 1 of Bleeding from the teeth, little blood loss but not taken lightly

Ancient people have the phrase: " The tooth is a human hair corner ", a shiny, strong tooth is not only aesthetic but also directly related to the health of the body. Teeth are the first part to help digest food, dental diseases are usually caused by bacteria that live on the crowns. After chewing, the remaining food will gradually form plaque and this is the ideal environment for bacteria to grow. They attack healthy tooth tissues that create deep holes under the action of acid or release toxins that cause inflammation of the gum, root or the surrounding teeth.

In addition, when the body lacks a few factors involved in blood clotting process such as vitamin K, calcium deficiency . will also cause root bleeding.

Picture 2 of Bleeding from the teeth, little blood loss but not taken lightly
Celery is rich in vitamin K. (Photo: Internet).

Some liver diseases, due to liver involvement in the synthesis of vitamin K coagulation, are also manifested in the form of root bleeding.

Or root bleeding is not a simple pathology because if not treated promptly, it can cause beneficial lesions, damage the alveolar bone, tooth bone, causing pain, leading to tooth loss .

Here are some diseases that you need to be aware of when you see frequent root bleeding:

1. Gingivitis

The main cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene, enabling plaque and tartar to form. Plaque and tartar remain on the teeth causing irritation to the gums and teeth. Over time, gums become swollen and bleed easily.

2. Periodontal inflammation

This is a severe stage of gingivitis, usually occurring in middle age. The disease progresses silently with the most visible sign of bleeding root. At heavy stage, there appears lime around the roots, loose teeth .

Picture 3 of Bleeding from the teeth, little blood loss but not taken lightly
Oral diseases.(Photo: Internet).

2. Root abscess

Abscess is a purulent drive caused by an infection by bacteria in the inside of the tooth. Root abscess often occurs as a result of untreated cavities, or punctured teeth, allowing the bacteria to attack deep inside. When the gums are constantly stinging, the roots are bleeding, the person with fever, swelling of the face is when the abscess bags become severe.

3. Achievement of root bone

Osteosarcoma is the decline of the alveolar bone and around the root of the tooth in terms of density, height, number and bone volume. Achievement of root bones will lead to a lot of dental problems as well as aesthetics of the face such as receding gums, buckling teeth, tilting, digging the jaw bone, and the face is much older than age.

4. The teeth are loose, broken

Teeth are shaken most of the time due to gum disease, particularly gingivitis and periodontitis. When the gingivitis is severely inflamed by forming pus bags, there will be a tendency to separate from the tooth, not close to the root of the tooth, as if the teeth tend to be longer. Accompanying is the phenomenon of possible bone resorption, which can lead to tooth loss.

How to deal with root bleeding

Picture 4 of Bleeding from the teeth, little blood loss but not taken lightly
Periodically check your teeth.(Photo: Internet).

You should have a dental check-up periodically (every 6 months) to have your doctor check and clean your teeth and diagnose and treat other causes.

Besides, you can gargle with saline or mouthwash to treat gingivitis, add Vitamin C to make your gums healthier.

For daily oral hygiene, you should brush your teeth right after a meal (for about 1 hour after eating), choose a soft-bristled brush and gently brush your teeth to avoid damaging your gums and causing tooth erosion. At the same time, combine dental flossing to clean the interdental area instead of toothpicks and be aware of strengthening calcium-rich foods, especially vitamins K.