Reducing, decreasing
According to Prof. Dang Huy Huynh, chairman of Vietnam Flora and Fauna Association: If before the 1970s, birds and reptiles such as rhino elephants, tigers . had many, but now even in the reserve, national parks. It is also difficult to observe these species.
Previously, wildlife species in Vietnam were investigated 21,125 species (7750 insect species, 1,100 freshwater fish species, 2,500 marine fish species, 162 species of amphibians, 296 reptiles, 840 birds, 310 animals .). However, currently only wild animals are prioritized to protect up to 418 species. Only from 2000 to 2003, the number of wild animals confiscated by the authorities, handled by hunting, transporting and trading illegally nationwide was 311,686kg, and 90,565 live individuals.

Agents from lakes, dams, alien creatures .
According to Dr. Pham Anh Cuong, deputy director of the Department of Biological Diversity of Leather: Biodiversity is reduced due to overexploitation of biological resources, the invasion of alien species, illegal hunting of wild animals. Wildlife (wildlife), climate change .
Pham Quang Thu, Vietnam Forest Science Institute, for example, invasive species of forest in Vietnam has reached more than 60 species such as pig and raspberries . These species compete with native species. feed, cross-breeding with indigenous species leading to decline in genetic resources .
Prof. Dr. Truong Quang Hoc , Hanoi National University also gave other evidence about the impact of climate change on biodiversity: The increase in temperature has made many species of plants have to be ' natural '. Specifically, in Sa Pa, many species on the Hoang Lien Son mountain range are being evacuated and raised to survive.
Dr. Le Xuan Canh , Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources said: Currently there are thousands of dam reservoirs, drainage pump stations, lakes . They impact on the great downstream river area, doing instead change the types of habitats such as river-streams, sand-cliffs . This change leads to changes in aquatic component structure, aquatic life rhythm. Many aquatic species, especially species with long migratory behavior, are able to move along the affected river vertically. In addition, flow changes facilitate favorable conditions for alien species to enter the river ecosystem.