Car colorimeter

This is a device made by MA Duong Tuan Tung, Department of Automotive Technology, Department of Dynamic Mechanics of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education.

Picture 1 of Car colorimeter
Mr. Tung is analyzing and trying to color
painting TOYOTA VIOS car. (Photo: Thai Ngoc)

Just apply this device to the old paint surface, the device will analyze the color itself. Then, give the proportions (by weight, or volume) of the paints to be mated to be the same color as the old one.

Mr. Tung contacted paint manufacturers, car manufacturers in Vietnam market, to create a bank with about 400 paint colors. Based on this bank, with the paint color of the car needing to be repainted, the device will bring the appropriate color scheme.

Suitable equipment for warranty centers, auto repair workshops. With the car scratched, scratched . need to paint locally (vacuum), just apply this device to get the appropriate color scheme.

The device costs about VND 80 million (similar equipment produced by foreign countries costs about VND 300 million).